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  1. I restored to one of my XML database back ups from a few days ago and it is now working. Must of been corrupt or something. Thanks
  2. Fault bucket 1603004349848553888, type 4 Event Name: APPCRASH Response: Not available Cab Id: 0 Problem signature: P1: LaunchBox.exe P2: P3: 625dbd9d P4: KERNEL32.DLL P5: 10.0.22000.708 P6: afec8296 P7: c00000fd P8: 0000000000001c0e P9: P10: Attached files: \\?\C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\WER\Temp\WER.e1c528bc-38da-4324-bfea-563ba246a05a.tmp.dmp \\?\C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\WER\Temp\WER.263620cd-25c5-4ec5-b89e-5cf28edcf4ed.tmp.WERInternalMetadata.xml \\?\C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\WER\Temp\WER.ff5742a8-731a-445d-a320-827c2fd15b82.tmp.xml \\?\C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\WER\Temp\WER.ce0f81f2-cf45-4070-ae33-5370eea3bef7.tmp.csv \\?\C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\WER\Temp\WER.3fd09c76-d370-44f4-a379-302b5e3001e4.tmp.txt These files may be available here: \\?\C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\WER\ReportArchive\AppCrash_LaunchBox.exe_b8e5ce9e1d2c2dcef34137d8db797157fbb2e53a_f4d3db42_58abd467-b3c7-402b-99e9-6afce2ebe319 Analysis symbol: Rechecking for solution: 0 Report Id: f3b19fec-d8bc-447b-8fa0-89caa37b31a8 Report Status: 268435456 Hashed bucket: f7b111f49b3b8390763f03f68e2109a0
  3. I ran a windows dism clean up and a sfc as it stating kernel32.dll which I though was windows related but this has made no change. Its strange as if I install a fresh copy of launchbox it loads fine.
  4. Log Name: Application Source: Application Error Date: 29/06/2022 14:52:49 Event ID: 1000 Task Category: (100) Level: Error Keywords: Classic User: N/A Computer: Polly Description: Faulting application name: LaunchBox.exe, version:, time stamp: 0x625dbd9d Faulting module name: KERNEL32.DLL, version: 10.0.22000.708, time stamp: 0xafec8296 Exception code: 0xc00000fd Fault offset: 0x0000000000001ca7 Faulting process id: 0x6c4 Faulting application start time: 0x01d88bbf785e8a91 Faulting application path: D:\LaunchBox\Core\LaunchBox.exe Faulting module path: C:\Windows\System32\KERNEL32.DLL Report Id: bcc25ed3-7aaa-4f7d-8141-34fdfbba19c1 Faulting package full name: Faulting package-relative application ID: Event Xml: <Event xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/win/2004/08/events/event"> <System> <Provider Name="Application Error" /> <EventID Qualifiers="0">1000</EventID> <Version>0</Version> <Level>2</Level> <Task>100</Task> <Opcode>0</Opcode> <Keywords>0x80000000000000</Keywords> <TimeCreated SystemTime="2022-06-29T13:52:49.6289017Z" /> <EventRecordID>18741</EventRecordID> <Correlation /> <Execution ProcessID="12196" ThreadID="0" /> <Channel>Application</Channel> <Computer>Polly</Computer> <Security /> </System> <EventData> <Data>LaunchBox.exe</Data> <Data></Data> <Data>625dbd9d</Data> <Data>KERNEL32.DLL</Data> <Data>10.0.22000.708</Data> <Data>afec8296</Data> <Data>c00000fd</Data> <Data>0000000000001ca7</Data> <Data>6c4</Data> <Data>01d88bbf785e8a91</Data> <Data>D:\LaunchBox\Core\LaunchBox.exe</Data> <Data>C:\Windows\System32\KERNEL32.DLL</Data> <Data>bcc25ed3-7aaa-4f7d-8141-34fdfbba19c1</Data> <Data> </Data> <Data> </Data> </EventData> </Event>
  5. Hi Guys, I have an issue with Launchbox crashing on startup. I searched some forum posts but cannot find anything that helps. I've attached my log, LB crashes at the loading interface part. I installed a fresh separate copy to check if it was my windows install but that install runs fine. I tried reinstalling my VC_redist and reinstalling LB over the top, but no joy. any help would be appreciated. Debug 2022-06-29 09-28-41 AM.log
  6. I paided for the android version straight away. I have full version of LB on my pc and my arcade cab I've tried every front end paid a fee and for the development to go stagnant, jason is nuts taking on all these projects, nothing good is free in this world. I love his enthusiasm keep up the good work jason looking forward to the new features in android.
  7. Hey, Just wanted to know if it is something im doing but i have imported a couple of sega cd games as .rar format and when i open them launchbox crashes out after the loading screen. They run in the PC version of launchbox? Thanks
  8. XxiphxX

    Auto Extract .7z

    Thank you so much for the quick response, it worked.
  9. XxiphxX

    Auto Extract .7z

    Hi All I recently purchased the premium version of LaunchBox to replace my Hyperspin arcade cab setup and ran into a problem. All my rom packs are .7z and with my old setup they would just automatically extract into a temp directory for the PSX, Dreamcast, Saturn etc and then mount to Daemon Tools to get around cd file types like .img. Is there such a function within Launchbox as extracting all the rom files for certain systems go from 500gb to 1 - 2tb, I dont have the hard drive space. If this function isn't in LaunchBox will it be likely implemented in the future as at the moment a cant set up my arcade cab because of this? Many thanks in advance
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