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Posts posted by ninja2bceen

  1. No disrespect here all. I’m excited for the team! I must have read it wrong wrong. The title and some of the wording during my quick read I though he was trying to get a feel of the land. Reading it a third time I think he’s just trying to boast his avatar status lol. Nothing to see here but I would like the hyperspin theme support Jason and team lol. 


    Welcome to the best community out there

  2. Welcome!


    if you are looking to be a hero and you truly want to crush the competition, there is one thing that Jason hasn’t done yet and that is support for hyperspin themes. He will say we don’t support flash as it’s a legacy platform which is not wrong but something you will learn is (at least in my opinion) launchbox is in existent because hyperspin was too hard for users to set up. There are real benefits to launchbox, I’m a full member. I have minted or near minted my hyperspin set up. Launchbox continues to add things that are hyperspin features but the major thing that I would be losing simply put from using hyperspin is the following. Make these things and there are literally no features hyperspin would have over launchbox

    - a robust theme engine for creators to make new themes (yes I know there was recently a plug-in created, it’s not enough yet)

    -support for hyperspin themes. These are xmls, ones that move based on xml files and swf/flash). I know there are a few thousand recorded hyperspin themes that are mp4s that is currently the only way to support hyperspin themes which are basically a representative of the game and a game snap. I have a team minting the nes set, that’s about 900 themes. No one is going to want to record all of those into mp4s you catch my drift


    I’d like to see a way to use all my hyperspin media. I love it, most of its even scraped from hyperspin anyway. I don’t want to have to wait hours or map like it’s my job. Hyperspin has very specific structure, it would be easy to assign a drive letter and know exactly where all the media is


    all in all, excited to see what you can bring but dude, find a way to support hyperspin themes. That’s the biggest issue I have with leaving hyperspin, period

    keep on being awesome though team, I continue to watch and update


  3. Nes complete theme set is 83% done! This started as a hyperspin theme project but cinematic themes can work in both hyperspin and launchbox (videos) so I wanted to make sure I let this crew know as well. More cinematic themes are being made and we would love to see some more made! Remember, only those making themes get the set for sure and once complete, we will vote to release it to everyone or not based on participation. Less then 5 folks have made all these themes! Band together, and add to the submissions! A new technique in making cinematic videos through PowerPoint was created, lol yes you read that right. Tutorial is on the Facebook page 



  4. Eom, artwork includes logos, fades, videos, exit screens, etc and particularly themes. I’m pretty sure you got banned at hyperspin due to your nasty attitude. I’ve done nothing but to try and help you. It could be you not everyone else, just saying. The community is about helping others, we all do what we can but this isn’t McDonald’s and you can’t just order stuff and expect it to be served. Please assist in making something, all this isn’t just sitting around for you. Hyperspin has been making media for over a decade and most of the media if not 95% of what you see in launchbox was made by hyperspinners. I hope you find what you seek

  5. 1 hour ago, Jason Carr said:

    As cool as it would be to support Hyperspin themes, it's just not feasible. With Hyperspin theme support comes all of the well-known current problems along with it, not to mention it would require integrating a completely separate theming engine, which I don't believe would be time well spent at this point.

    I'm not an expert on Hyperspin's file structure, but I believe all you have to do is modify the platform folder location settings in LaunchBox if you want to use Hyperspin's media folder structure.

    Thanks for replying. The structure is the following for art, themes, videos, letters and genre art. Imagine doing this for 100+ systems to convert over....

    One comment on the themes bit. I’d like to challenge you to understand the theme system as a whole in hyperspin. It’s just a flash reader basically and I think it would be worth your time considering there are literally 1000s of themes already made. Remember hyperspin has been around for more than a decade. It’s ignorant to think they wouldn’t be used and I’m sure if I had to mess with the settings to carry it over, I would literally have to do it 100 plus times since hyperspin has a folder for each system. Imo I think the only reason this hasn’t happened yet is either you are t sure how to make it happen or it is too incompatible with the current architecture that you don’t want to break anything. I’m not sure what problems there are with themes you are referring to though. I’ll be honest, losing the theming in my set up is the single reason why I’ve not jumped. Mind you I’m a full member and I could use launchbox prem features at any time. I want you to succeed, I just can’t make a rational decision to make the cut over without the themes and leveraging the assets I have. Maybe I’m the only one in the room that can say this but launchbox does a real good job to try and replicate all of hyperspins features. There are a few additional features that hyperspin doesn’t have like achievements, ratings and game text. Imo opinion that would be the main additional draw for those that have a working hyperspin. My suggestions are to maintain status quote in order to get the additional features. Hope this helps, I’ll continue to watch on the sidelines until then though ?

    Keep doing your thing, good work

    hyperspin/media/*system name*/Images

    this has Artwork 1-4 folders which almost always Artwork 3 is box art and Artwork 4 is cart art

    in the wheel folder it holds game logos


    hyperspin/media/*system name*/Themes

    this is where the themes are. They are zip files and in it are png files and an xml file that’s it.


    hyperspin/media/*system name*/Images/Letters

    houses the letter png files


    hyperspin/media/*system name*/Images/Genre

    has a background folder and wheel folder for png art


    hyperspin/media/*system name*/Video

    stores the video snaps which play during the themes.

    • Like 2
  6. Ability to transition media from hyperspin to launchbox without space usage. This should be totally doable. Hyperspin has a specific file structure. I would like the ability to use the same media but in launchbox without remapping the world. 


    Ability to use hyperspin themes. Seriously this is the single reason why hyperspin is still being used by me. (It’s understood that there was a mame video recording of themes) it’s a nice work around but literally I have 1000’s of themes across all systems. 

    • Like 2
  7. to activate the instruction cards, you need to use rocketlauncher under settings, instruction cards, and set it to true


    for LED blinky, i hope to get this added to my system as well soon. There are preconfigured profiles under hyperspins download page that i'm aware of in the 3rd party app section

  8. I figured it out as well guys... you can use rocket launcher. You'll want to use two command scripts to make the files renamed to bezel and a way to copy your ini file to each folder. You'll also want files to folders to drop themselves into folders before you rename things. EASY! Thank you!

    I noticed a few folders didn't have pngs in them under the bezel folder.

    Do you have N64 bezels for example? Great work btw!

    --after you have folders for each game and the files are in their folder,use this to drop an ini file in each folder in your directory

    for /r "E:\Arcade-PC\hyperspin\Emulators\Romfiles\_To_Do\_projects\bezel\nes\FM_Renamed" %i in (.) do @copy "E:\Arcade-PC\hyperspin\Emulators\Romfiles\_To_Do\_projects\bezel\nes\FM_Renamed\bezel.ini" "%i\bezel.ini"

    --, use this to rename to bezel.png
    cd "E:\Arcade-PC\hyperspin\Emulators\Romfiles\_To_Do\_projects\bezel\nes\FM_Renamed"
    for /f "delims=*" %a in ('dir *.png /b /s') do ren "%a" Bezel.png


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