Every 5-10 seconds the first game or two first game, will lose their image, and then a second later get them back. It seems random when it happens. I have tried switching all images from jpg to png, that didn't change anything. I also tried making all the images smaller 400x600 approximately, with same result.
I have launchbox installed on two computers. On the laptop, that are 3-4 years old, this bug doesn't happen.
This bug only happens on my desktop computer that has the following specs: GTX 980 TI, Intel i5-6600K, 16 GB DDR4-3200.
Could it be caused by the monitor maybe? My desktop monitor is: Samsung S34E790C 34.0" 3440x1440 60Hz Monitor.
I have installed Launchbox on the desktop computer today. So it uses the newest version available.