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Toxic Taz

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4-Bit Adder

4-Bit Adder (2/7)



  1. thats what made it work without the runtime error for me. drop and drag the bios to the system folder. select the Reicast core and load game. thats what i was missing and i dont know where else to get the files.
  2. i used the mupen64 core for gauntlet legends and the screen flashes and crashes on loading the first world. im just going to download gauntlet dark legacy for gamecube, its a definitive edition of legends anyhow.
  3. same problem
  4. if you still need help with this check out simply austin tutorial. [[you need to download his pack in the desc. then drag the extracted DC folder into system folder within your retroarch folder and done.]] dont know why it isnt in the download of retro when all the other systems just work. hope this helps
  5. im getting alot of lag using an xbox 360 controller for some reason, could it be from having everything installed on a USB stck?
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