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  1. That’s great to hear! I’ve recently gotten big into comics and manga collecting (as well as books, graphic novels, light novels, among other things), so much so that I’ve gotten a yearly subscription to a cloud storage space to be used almost exclusively for Launchbox.
  2. Would also be great if Launchbox could add the metadata for Comics (I’ve also been doing this for manga; light novels and books are another story). Having to manually add the covers and metadata and clear logos and everything really sucks. I can understand having CHAOS and Launchbox as two separate entities, but I still wish that Launchbox had a plug-in that could share the latter's metadata library—and don’t get me started on trying to separate specific eras: like the Dan Garrett Golden Age Blue Beetle from the 80’s Ted Kord series and the 2006 Jaime Reyes stuff—y’know, keeping Launchbox’s video game-centered but having an extra option for those who’d want to integrate comics and/or manga through an optional add-on. But I would never say to make CHAOS into something it’s not; just asking for something similar.
  3. Thanks for the tip! Just found out that CDisplayEX reads PDF’s and ePub files so this is super helpful.
  4. I was also interested in this idea; I was really excited when I found out Launchbox can download comics (and graphic novels/manga/so forth) but I wanted some way to take my calibre stuff and move it into Launchbox just as seamlessly. Trying to do it the same way was...kinda messy. Though, between 3-4 libraries, I probably have over 2000 reading materials (that's stories, light novels, paperback books, and actual novels; probably not as impressive as some other collections but the content itself is more impressive than the number). If there's a way for me to gather all that together in one convenient place, you couldn't put a pen in my hands fast enough to sign on for that.
  5. Let’s see: A) cuts down on disk space by combining both emulators into one; that’s why it’s easier for people to use Retroarch rather than downloading 20 different emulators. B) it simplifies things by having something that can play both PlayStation 1 & 2 games, since they function mostly off the same hardware and clears any redundancies. C) it feels more authentic and allows you to only need to bother with 1 emulator rather than toying around with 2 equally difficult programs. D) why are you asking that like it’s weird that people would a more streamlined experience and a simplified program? It’s not like we’re talking about constructing a PlayStation 4 that plays Xbox OG, 360, One and Wii-U all at once here.
  6. $5 a month?!?! I tried to look up Backblaze and it seems to have a huge every amount of hatred and backlash behind it. I’ve been using Dropbox to move files and that’s about $12 for Unlimited Storage. Also, by “DVD-Era” do you mean stuff like PS2 and junk? Cuz I know how much of a pain in the ass PS2 storage is; that’s like 4-8 gb PER GAME!!! I don’t know EXACTLY off the top of my head, but I remember my total broke (or close to breaking) 13k, maybe around 15k with NDS stuff. I hope eventually Retroarch has PS2 compatibility, unless they’ve already got that cuz PCSX2 has no backwards compatibility like the REAL PS2 did and it’s a pain in the ass to figure out.
  7. Last I checked, I had something in the ballpark of about a TB or so, but I mostly stick to ACTUAL game consoles (NES, SNES, N64, Sega--MS, MG, CD, 32X, Saturn, Dreamcast--PS1/2, Gamecube, just to name a few). Yeah, I did get a whole collection of Commodore 64 games and a bunch of crap on MS-DOS but that's not important. I mostly don't bother with the really obscure/outdated stuff nobody's ever owned, played, or heard of: Casio Loopy, Apple Pippin, outdated computer systems (Amiga, Acorn, Atari ST/800, that type of thing), Action MAX, and I kinda feel like if you have MAME (which I was under the impression had a very wide and very deep pool of arcade emulation power, if not universal arcade emulation or the closest to it), then having extra arcade things would just feel redundant, right? I'd love to know how to expand my library, but storage capacity is a major factor. There's gonna be people telling me to move LB into my Dropbox (which I did), and as an extra precaution I'm even upgrading to the bottomless storage of DB Business Advanced. Anything somebody can recommend to expand my roster (without resorting to loading down my program with a bunch of obsolete computer systems or obscure nonsense)? Sidebar: on a somewhat unrelated note, what can people recommend for me on these systems (assuming, if I can't get a full library, I MUST have these); they are as follows: Microsoft Xbox (that's Xbox OG, Xbox Classic; not to be confused with the Xbone or 360), Sony PlayStation 2, Sony Playstation Portable (or PSP for short), Nintendo Gamecube and/or Wii, 3DO Interactive Multiplayer (or just 3DO, if you prefer), and Atari Jaguar CD. I would add the Nintendo DS, but that's just going to be time-consuming and require sifting through a lot of shovelware titles (difficult, very frustrating, but not unyielding).
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