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4-Bit Adder

4-Bit Adder (2/7)



  1. I can confirm that too, launchbox is on ssd and there is a bit of lag right after start, again seems to have to do with videos, with background images on my theme instead of videos works like a charm, but is very minor(~10 secs until fully normal).
  2. Running explorer as admin works or you can also fully disable UAC and then all apps will have the same privileges.
  3. You are not allowed to interact with privileged apps from non-privileged apps, only the other way around, if you run something as administrator only apps that are ran as administrator will be able to interact with it.
  4. I just tested 7.4 Beta, it seems to be much more responsive now, video stacking didn't happen either.
  5. Hi, I'm also having this issue, seems to be related to video playing, sometimes videos from old games keep playing in the background while the wheel spins, ending in multiple sounds being played, only way to solve it is exit Big Box and go back in. Switching to Media Player as backend instead of VLC makes it work better.
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