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Everything posted by Latch

  1. That's a fair point and one I didn't actually pick up on. Being from the UK I'm used to DC games being in blue cases and as I am sticking to NA releases for all systems as this is the most populated and up to date area, I am not sure what covers these releases had. I do know that I am incredibly anal about themes so hopefully I can at least bulk upload these somewhere until "hopefully" the DB allows for alternate covers so people as anal as me can benefit from them :P.
  2. Hey all, long time user/lurker first time poster and recent premium user. Currently I'm adding games and sending changes to the DB when I see missing artwork and have recently started on the Dreamcast. Unfortunately unlike the N64/PSX there seems to be no theme running through for the covers at all! Some have black templates, some have white, some say Dreamcast down the side, some say SEGA Dreamcast, it's just a mess! As a result I decided I liked the white template the most and found a PNG of it and since then I have been bulk editing the titles I have added to LB to fit with this template, now, they look great! My goal is to complete the flat front image and then move onto the 3D image as the 3D database is not only empty but again, all over the place, so it would be easier to complete after the flat images have been completed as these can be used and morphed into the 3D art. So my questions: #1 Is there a way for me to bulk upload these to the DB rather than going through each individual game and going through the entry requirements for each? #2 Anyone want to jump in and help so we can get it done faster? I have the template setup in a way that all it requires is the current cover art and a simple scale to fit the size of the template, easy if you have a little know how of photo editing and I think I'm in the right place for that Below is an image as to what the current box art looks like and the template is attached ready to start editing in case anyone wants it! EDIT: Added images that I have currently completed (only 20) I forgot to add them, ha Dreamcast Boxart.7z Box_-_Front.7z
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