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Everything posted by Latch

  1. Just tried that pal and nothing happened, the emulator doesn't open a game or (obviously) display. Is there an option somewhere that I am missing? I added the emulator the same way as I have every other emulator and they all work fine, click a game, loads the emu and launches the game, but this one loads the emulator and then I have to manually select a game via the emulator, ignoring the game I chose in launchbox.
  2. I've imported simple 64 as my default emulator in LB, but when I go to run a game via LB it will only open the emulator and not the game, I then have to manually select a game I want to play via Simple64's emulator 'run' setting. Is there a setting I am missing or is this emulator not a good match as its already a front end GUI for MUpen64?
  3. Latch


    Videos, in launch box (Not big box) you'll want to go to Tools>Download>platform/Playlist/Category theme videos and choose the ones you want (You can preview them with the preview button when you've selected a video from the dropdown).
  4. Latch


    I love this style dude, at first I wasn't a fan but something clicked and I think its the best theme on LB by far. Are you still adding more themes are have you left it up to the community to fill in the blanks? I've noticed the NEO GEO AES has some text issues where KOF has the letter spacing a bit too small (Shown in the image) Lastly, I don't dl all media for games, usually just box front, clear logo and a still of gameplay, what other images does this theme work with (Such as 3d boxes, carts etc)? Thanks for the hard work dude.
  5. Thanks for that info, I've tried several emulators (MAME, MAMEUI and Retroarch with different cores along with 2 Roms of 1942 and I can never get it to run, does it require a certain BIOS or similar?
  6. Latch

    Edit a theme

    Hey I'm wondering how I can edit a theme, currently I am using the Unified theme and I find that the select wheel fades away far too quickly, does anyone know where the setting is for me to change the time it takes to fade away? Cheers
  7. Im currently using MAME romset V0.202 and launching via MAMEUI's latest version .205. When I try to launch some games I get a variety of errors, for example, Moonwalker gave me "Too many textures" then when I reloaded it a few moments later, it ran... But all the 1941/2/3/xx games (That I can not get running no matter what version of the rom I download or what emulator I use) Gives me a full list of around 20 errors stating "41u_30.11f NOT FOUND (tried in 1941u 1941 1941u)" continuing with the same error and that required files are missing so I take these as a bad ROMSET? Literally all I have done is downloaded the romset and MAMEUI and booted up, is there anything that I am missing that I should do before I run into any issues later such as BIOS updates/downloads, things along those lines or has MAMAE actually become that simple now and I have just got a bad dump for the 194x games?
  8. Ello all, I've recently started to take my collection seriously again and after some thought I have decided that I only want EU/NA official releases (There may be a few J/UNL games I want but I can always add them later) so my question is this, does anyone know a program or tool that will do all the hard work for me? If it was just the case of a few hundered games I would just do it myself but here we are talking in the region of 15k+. I've filtered some by looking for (j) and (unl) but it never gets them all as some games such as 'babys day out' for the genesis are not labled as unl but are not officially released so they bypass my filter. I was looking for a list of all official releases but again, thats just an insane amount of time. Any ideas?
  9. Ta pal, can you access the BIOS function with the Retroarch core to add unlimited time to Windjammer etc?
  10. The resolution change did fix it, out of interest what do you use now instead of FBA?
  11. When launching a FBA game from launch box I get this error: "Problem setting '1329517976x1329518240x0bpp (0Hz)' display mode" I press 'OK' and the box disappears then the game launches in FBA, how do I remove this error and just load up the game?
  12. Latch

    "Missing" List?

    *Forgive me if this is possible with the new audit feature* Will there be/ is there a way to compare what games you currently have Vs what games were released for the system? I just had a go comparing games I had via audit and Wiki but my God was that a pain! (Naming conventions are different for a start) I'd love to know I have completed my collection without having to spend an ungodly amount of time checking a list That's what computers are for .
  13. I haven't checked their FTP but their download section is labelled 'ScummVM' I managed to get the platform theme the usual way via the "launchbox/tools/download platform theme videos" and for some reason 'The Dig' is the only game to have a video despite having Full throttle, Sam and Max and Day of the tentacle with no videos despite being much more popular.
  14. I did the usual method of downloading images/media for my ScummVM games however, in the Emumovie section there is no option for videos. I checked emumovies to see if they have videos for the games I had and they indeed do. I have premium and have had no problem downloading videos with any other system but for some reason, this isn't working? Any ideas?
  15. I can play my games fine, they do however ALL require me to set date and time each time I go into the game and I cannot save the game/I get a warning that no VMU is detected. Is there a setting I am missing in the menu or are they still working on this feature?
  16. Thanks pal. I'll get onto that now, appreciate the help
  17. Cue+bin + Audio tracks so I guess that's the issue here. I tried a DW file, it came with these, when booting the game I get a message "Uncorrectable data at sector 0" and I get booted into the Saturn CD player part. Just another bad file(s) then? As its at least booting into the saturn emulator core^Those are the files that came with the Darkwater Guardian Heroes file
  18. I scan and I dont get any information other than the list of games that I have. I tested on all my collection too. If I can get it to tell me what I am missing this will be the best feature ever! Currently its just amazing I needed this feature after looking at the state of my GBA romset...
  19. I have all the BIOS named correctly, RA is looking in the correct folder for them, but the mednafen core just wont load. If I switch to Yabuase core then everything loads properly. Any ideas? I followed the V2 Video on youtube to the letter.
  20. This is great, clean and simple, just what I was after. I do have a problem with it though and I dont know if its my end or not but the videos dont play, I can hear them but they only play if I go into the platform and then come back out, if I cycle the platforms and go back to the start, the video wont play but again, I can hear it.
  21. Agree but there is a way around it now, kind of... Import all your games, hide the ones you dont want, that way when you scan the games again, all the ones you dont want to appear, stay hidden. Takes a little while but its the best way ive found.
  22. Thanks a lot
  23. How do I edit the core options? Is it in retroarch UI or in the folders?
  24. I've recently switched from epsxe to retroarch for my ps1 emulation, I had a few hiccups but got it working eventually, however, is there anyway to skip the ps1 boot video? I didn't get this in epsxe so I feel it must be an option I'm missing. Any ideas?
  25. I've noticed that some covers may say Megadrive but if you go into edit for that game and cycle the images, you can often find the Genesis cover. I looked at the Game Gear covers too, I believe I have 90-100% that collection and the covers make me shiver I like what you did with the battletoads/butt-head covers, I wouldn't have thought the purple vertical banner would work with the grey horizontal banner, but it doesn't look too bad. I might mock up a few and check the difficulty I have with it, if it goes well, I will start on this until my DC collection is big enough to continue that. Edit: Woah, the box art for the game gear is pretty bad quality! Just when I think I've got the average size down for my template and go to add a cover, I get one that's less than half the size. Looks like if I'm to do this ill need to check every single game for the best quality cover and pray there are better ones out there... I will start on #-A and see how I get on... Edit#2: That wasn't TOO bad, it just takes a little longer thanks to each image requiring a lot more image searching, some of them I had to do an insane amount of copy/pasting and for Ariel assault I simply had to use the Japanese box art but edit the Japanese out of it. I've stuck with a theme throughout, that is, no other platform information other than that which is down the side, this again made my work a lot longer but overall, it looks a lot better for it (I think). I had a problem with only 2 games: #1: Alien syndrome, All images I could find were really low quality, as a result I spliced 2 images together and lack the skills to finish the box art to a high quality standard, as a result, its put to one side for now #2: Andre Agassi Tennis. As again all images were bad quality I used the master system image and simply cut out the MS logo at the top, however, the area where it is cut is busy and quite hard to disguise, again, put to one side. I've attached the files incase you want to look at them but I do intend to continue with this as I have nothing to do until the 30th of this month GameGear_Boxart.7z Here is an image of Aerial Assault, the Japanese version and then the butcher job I did on it.
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