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Everything posted by VegasMiggiani

  1. OK. This sounds good. Let me try that
  2. No dice. I've changed my pwd 2x and all works on their end. Not through LB. They say there is nothing on their end wrong. And if you can hit it, there doesn't seem to be anything wrong with the API. Can there be something wrong with my LB app? I have v1.9. Running on a Odin Pro. I'm thinking of uninstalling and reinstalling. But would like to know if there is a possibility that this might fix it before I do that. I have a lot of customization. Maybe there's a corrupt config file or something I can check app-side?
  3. Ok. Thanks for checking the LaunchBox end for me. I did hear back from them and they said everything with my account is fine. They suggested changing my password. I'll give that a try. Maybe the server that LB is pinging had a different pwd for some reason...
  4. Ok, I understand. But that should be trandparent to the user. What other credentials could it be asking for through Launchbox than what you are given from emumovies? And why did it work for three systems and stop? My account isn't suspended on their side. Is there any other Launchbox support other than here? I feel like this is Launchbox side.
  5. I have not heard back from EmuMovies yet. However, I have downloaded their sync app and use the same login credentials there as I use to log in to their website and as I'm trying to use through LaunchBox. The only place I can't get through is via Launchbox. Is there anything local on my side with Launchbox that I can check? Does a reinstall make sense?
  6. Ok. Yes, I sent them a request. The funny thing is that it worked but then stopped working. But I'll come back and post once I hear back.
  7. Who should I reach out to? Launchbox or Emumovies? The latter looks to be in good order. But yes, I can try to reach out just to cover that base.
  8. Hey folks! I just bought a lifetime membership to emumovies. I had entered my credentials into the scraper setting for Launchbox and ran through 3 systems successfully. Videos downloaded and were incorporated into the views properly. After that 3rd system, I found that I was not getting the videos returned and, when I tried to "test" my connection to emumovies in the scraper, it stated that it could not make the connection. I went over to emumovies, logged out and logged back on. Credentials are identical and fine. My account says I'm an active lifetime member. I've tried multiple times to log in via the scraper and it keeps coming back that it cannot connect to emumovies. At this point I'm wondering if the API connection between LB and EM went down at dome point yesterday? Can someone test their connection? Any ideas on what may be happening? It worked for me for a bit then just stopped.
  9. Awesome! Thanks so much!!!
  10. Hey folks, is there a resource I can go to for the latest .PNG logos to use for the "Wheel with Details" platform view? I seem to be missing: Amiga, intellivision, MSX, SuperGrafx, Turbo CD (or even TurboDuo), Nintendo Disj System, Nintendo Game & Watch, NeoGeo, NeoGeo Pocket Color, etc.
  11. Just adding to the convo. I have an Odin PRO as well. Crashes consistently after importing games. Right at the end. Also crashing when scrolling through games - specifically with a large number of files for a system. Also, cannot connect to emumovies via the scraper. It was working for a couple of systems then stopped. Checked logging in to emumovies via web with same login credentials and all is fine. These issues have just started happening. Never had these problems before.
  12. Folks, I have looked for a good video or tutorial on how to use Bezel Project for Android and can't find any. I do see a lot for Windows. But none of them cover how to run the tool for Android. Specifically, I'm using an Ayn Odin PRO where all of the emulator files are installed on the unit. Not sure how to reference the input directories for each emulator using the windows application and the SD card, which is the only thing I can load onto the PC. Is there a bezel project app for Android? Or an .apk that can run a git hub script? Thanks!
  13. Hi there team! I just purchased a full version of Launchbox for Android - which I love - but I'm having a REALLY difficult time getting any of the Retroarch Cores to work with the MAME ROMs I have. At least, I think that's the problem. I have loaded ALL of the MAME Cores and I still can't get a game to load. I just get the black screen that hangs. I CAN get the other systems to work with Retroarch (SNES, NES, Genesis, etc.). And if I use MAME4Droid, I can get the ROMS to load, but they take a REALLY long time to load - that's another topic. I'm using .139u1. Is there an optimal MAME Core to use? And what ROMSET should I use with it? Thanks!!
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