thanks for the reply. though this doesnt work. i can remove the border, but removing the vertical arrows throws an error as the theme is looking for them and cant find them.
however even if that worked it doesnt really solve the issue completey. because the background for the full screen is black, but the center 16:9 section is the dark grey associated with the theme, it still looks off. is there a way to add elements that sit infront of the theme either side that i can colour to be the same colour as the bg. that will cause the platform/game videos to scroll behind them. i can see the themes use .xaml files for most of it. but im not sure which files to look for to apply the appropriate elements. are they all individual? or is there a master file that i can apply it to that will work on all views?
i can see that the views use a grid. and i can see there is an overlay section at the end of the platformwheel views. im trying to add something in there that does what i mentioned above, but my knowledge of xaml is extremely limited and im struggling to work out what it needs to include. simply adding to the grid appears to limit anything i do within the grid, despite a negative margin (which would work in html/css) so im at a bit of a loss with it as it stands 😅
i guess another solution, and possibly the simplest (though not most elegant) would be to colour the background of the entire window/document the same as the theme background.