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Everything posted by SvekkeRAFC

  1. i am starting to learn the tricks now, i can easely update the roms i have with crlmame. Since this is such a helpfull forum , i have another question ready ... Do anyone of you got Fightcade via launchbox? is there a special command line i should enter when i create the platform?
  2. I think the problem is solved , i rebuilded my rom set to .182 and so far everything seems to work properly now. Thanks for all your help , and sorry for being a total noob. grtz happy mamer
  3. it is the .164 , but i didn't grab a complete set , i just download them game by game . So that i just have the ones i really want. Does that matter?
  4. I now downloaded the newest version of mame and created a new platform called arcade 2... All problems seem to be solved now except for ultimate Mortal Kombat 3. With this version it doesn't work at all. Not in LB , not when i try to play it in the new mame i installed. it only works when i start it in the older Mame. Also Windjammers is the other way around, i play it on the Arcade and Arcade 2 platform , in the old Mame, but it crashes in the new Mame i installed.
  5. yes they are in , otherwise they won't work when i play them outside lb, thats the odd thing about it , they work perfectly in mame so...
  6. at first i copied them to lb , but someone told me i better left them were they were, then i deleted them and imported them by leaving them were they are
  7. at first i copied them to lb , but someone told me i better left them were they were, then i deleted them and imported them by leaving them were they are
  8. Games that run whitout chd run well through launchbox
  9. I am having trouble running mame games like Killer Instinct , the mortal kombat serie , Street fighter 3rd strike , sunset riders , all games with chd actually , I have the chd and the rom files because they run perfect outside launchbox . And as far as i know , i correctly entered the rom path. Any suggestions because i have been struggling for over three days now.
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