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Everything posted by johnnyskullhead

  1. Cheers Mate will do Thank You
  2. Hi I am using latest vesion, not chds, bin and cue files Works fine if i manually drop files onto .exe does there need to be something in command line parameters? Thanks Again
  3. Hi Sorry hope this is not being discussed in another post cannot get Standalone Mednafen to run within Launchbox Its Mednafen version 1.27.1 Runs fine if i place rom manually on exe outside Launchbox, but does nothing within Launchbox Any help would be appreciated Thanks Dean
  4. Hi Trying to add associated platform in retroarch keep getting error message The same command-line parameters are used more than once for the Final Burn Alpha within this emulator. Please select distinct command-line parameters for each entry. Please advise
  5. Hi Would appreciate some assistance Does anyone know How to set Scan Lines on Mame Games with Multiple Screens Games like Darius have the first screen with Scan Lines but other two are standard Thanks in Advance Dean
  6. Hi hope someone can help as importing FBA games and while it was importing screen just started to zoom in I have tried to zoom out with CTRL and - nothing happens when i revert to Bigbox its fine i have turned off pc quit etc no joy any ideas I hope i havent got to start from scratch as i have imported quite a few systems already Any Help would be appreiciated BTW is there alist of keyboard commands ? Can't seem to get any keys to work
  7. Hi I am hoping someone can help, my previous emu pc died so i had to replace all drives ok and Launchbox 11.9 was stored on an external drive but it wont boot crashes everytime i try i have an older version 9.on another drive but when i try to run that it says i must download Net framework 4.7 but then says it not compatible with my pc I am running windows 10 up to pc dying running ok Any Ideas Dean
  8. Hi I know this really is probably not the right place to ask but i have always had great help here so I am hoping someone can help My Ipac2 suddenly has stoppped working Booted up this morning and was controlling fine, then it stopped working all buttons and sticks changed usb lead no change even tried plugging into Raspberry Pie via retropie again it recognised it but wont acknowledge button presses Any ideas would be appreciated Thanks In advance Dean
  9. Sound and Music issues Pc Engine cd running on Beetle Pce Fast all games run fine but somehave both cd sound and console generated but not all some only have console generated sound and some have no music but some speech ! Rondo of blood is fine Us Version of Lords of Thunder is fine but jap no music any ideas Thanks
  10. Hi all sorry to post but was wondering if any one can help setting up Aimtrack gun with Mame and other emus Struggling to get additional buttons to work in mame especially Time crisis also does redream work with Guns or do i need to set up Demul for Dreamcast ? Thanks again
  11. Hiya Mate changed to xinput which sorted it Thnaks for help
  12. Hi Mate Thanks for reply Yes they will not Launch via Button input on Controller , but will run fine via Mouse or keyboard input Games control fine in Emulators So would you recommend going X-Input ? I did try setting it ti X-Input but could not get it to change , do you know button press sequence ? Thanks Dean
  13. Hi Sorry to ask Just made Controller with 2 sticks and 6 button setup controlled via ipac 2 downloaded latest firmware got Mame and Retroarch working fine with sticks n buttons but i cannot get games to run via buttons on controller i can navigate Launchbox main screen and change game with sticks but when i press buttons nothing i tried to remap buttons but it wont recognise any buttons presses works fine with mouse or keyboard any help would be appreciated
  14. Hi Sorry to ask got Mame and Retroarch working fine with sticks n buttons but i cannot get games to run via buttons on controller i can navigate with sticks but when i press buttons nothing i tried to remap buttons but it wont recognise any buttons presses any help wouls be appreciated
  15. Thanks
  16. Hi Sorry this may be the wrong forum but need help please Trying to sort ipac 2 with Launchbox How to set up Ipac 2 to Xinput assuming that the best way to go Please help Thanks
  17. Will try Ta
  18. Retro808 seems to have cracked it Many Thanks Matey
  19. Thanks will try it
  20. also tried on my AMD 2700x with 32 gb ram same thing super high cpu usage which did not happen before
  21. Just started running Latest version of Launchbox for pc and it appears broken everytime i run its burning cpu 90% + just displaying 14 game boxes WTF my fan is going to take off please advise earlier versions worked fine im running windows 10 with a amd 8350 16gb ram Please help
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