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Everything posted by johnnyskullhead

  1. if i change from its default of video_shader_enable ="" screen stays black but you can hear the game booting and running no video if i change back to above runs ok but with crappy scan lines is it corrupt ? how do i restart ? thanks Dean
  2. Will check later mate Thought I had looked in that folder and don't think that was there will let you know Thanks Again
  3. Many Thanks
  4. How do you install it ?
  5. Problems with PSX emu via Retroarch Medafen PSX HW Running fine apart from i cant change scanline settings to zero tried deleting and re downloading core still same what do i need to remove to be able to run it without scanlines Thanks Dean
  6. ok matey Thanks gotta try source then
  7. Hi anyone got any ideas best way to emulate and play Time Gal & Ninja Hayate tried Saturn Version but mine was corrupted and now most sites down struggling to find another version Can it run via Mame ? Thanks Dean
  8. Hi Sorry to post but got a couple of issues 1- Cant have desktop background in Launchbox next but works fine in standard 2- Cpu usage in next is off the chart, again fine in standard , this happens just in menus dont even wanna try running an emulator Thanks Dean
  9. Hi Mate will chech re caching but i have changed background in options to exactly what it is in standard Launchbox , that works fine but next stays red does not change Thanks for reply
  10. Also Cpu usage while browsing thru games is 70% + standard Launchbox is around 10% it appears theres something wrong there
  11. Cant get desktop wallpaper to work in next , works fine in standard launchbox both 8.4 & 8.5
  12. Get get Backgrounds to match desktop work fine in standard but not next
  13. Ok Matey many Thanks
  14. Looked at this any thoughts
  15. is the software version than hw then ? Do I need a monster CPU ?
  16. Thanks does that run better than epsxe ? that runs fine its just tekkens and soul blades that don't seem to work ??!
  17. Hi sorry to post again would like advice from the great people in this forum looking into a seperate control panel looked at X-Arcade stick but shipping from USA is nearlysame price as Stick also looked into building one dual sticks multiple buttons t-mobile etc, with a trackball but price is creeping up to close to £200 ($260) Any advice would really appreciated Dean
  18. HI Sorry to post again having some major issues with epsxe everything seems to run great except Tekken & Soul Blade which either displays in narrow or stretched views Any help would be appreciated Which is the best plugins which is the best resolution ? Should i run another psx core via retroarch ? Thanks in advance Dean
  19. HI Sorry to post again having some major issues with epsxe everything seems to run great except Tekken & Soul Blade which either displays in narrow or stretched views Any help would be appreciated Which is the best plugins which is the best resolution ? Thanks in advance DEan
  20. Thanks for all your help
  21. Ok Thanks what version of retroarch you running ?
  22. Hi just try to do what you said it has no effect also tried following JamesBond@ge said: It's funny you post this thread because I just set this up today. I ended up using the "FB Alpha" core. At first I wanted to use the "FB Alpha 2012 Neo Geo" core but I was getting weird graphical errors so I switched to "FB Alpha" which seems to be ok. I wanted to do the same as you and run these in AES mode. If the settings aren't sticking, then open up the "Retroarch Core Options" file with Wordpad. This should be saved in your "Config" folder. Scroll down to the "FB Alpha" part and find "fba-neogeo-mode" and change it to read "fba-neogeo-mode = "AES". Then make sure to save it and close. but all i find is gobble de gook where exactly should i be looking as it corrupt ? Sorry and thanks
  23. Thanks for help looks like previous reply has been removed ? what about bios selection ?
  24. Hi sorry to post again but have tried to run Neo Geo in AES mode and i cant do it , it always refers back to Arcade mode downloaded right bios and chaged settings in Retroarch but to no avail is there a particular core i should be using ? Thanks
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