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Everything posted by johnnyskullhead

  1. Whats your thoughts on Mame in Retroarch
  2. Ok Mate Thats why i cant find
  3. Is it curvture i need to change or create ?
  4. Curvature does not appear to be there ?
  5. No sorry i meant i was also having issues with Retroarch i have discovered it was an admin issue in windows got scanlines working but screen has a curvature which i can change via a slider in mame but i need to change wholesale does anyone which ini file i need to change Thanks in advance
  6. Think its pc at fault or hdd also having issues with retroarch not saving config
  7. Thanks
  8. Has it been renamed in newer versions of mame ?
  9. Sorry i must be an idiot but can find rasterini but cannot find mameini where is it located ?
  10. Thanks Sorry
  11. Hi posted this question before sorry cant get scanlines to work in mame.210 or .214 any ideas tried downloading files from lord munkus but can find where thy assuming they still work any help appreciated Dean
  12. All i am doing is dragging a few roms i have recently added to my rom directory, straight into FBA screen as i have done for last couiple of weeks with no issue but tnow this other roms in there still work fine how do i check wether its looking for another version of emu ? Thanks Again
  13. Works fine within Retroarch triedagain importing via wizard same error message saying path to emulator is wrong appears to be bug since new build 10.1
  14. I am only adding to existing build Just dtagging across into Launchbox assuming thats still work ? Will try just with Retroarch Thanks
  15. Hi Anyone having issues with FBA adding individual roms ? Since 10.1 update everytime i additional roms they will not run it says specified emulation path is wrong all was working fine last week ? Thanks Dean
  16. try starting not in full screen, then change to full screen with alt-enter
  17. Hi mate the ones i struggle with are windows ce so wont run in redream nearly all run but have scan type lines but they seem to pulse like theres a setting demul does not like
  18. Hi sorry to post , but trying to run some Dreamcast games via Demul most run fine but some like Midway arcade hits run with large scanlines Any help or ideas Thanks Dean
  19. Again many thanks ? ?
  20. Had extra ticks in dont use quotes and use file name only
  21. Sorted mate thanks to you ?
  22. Ok Mate thanks will have a look when i get home Thanks for help
  23. How do you set it up from scratch ? Redream is working fine, but I am aware not all games will work Hence why I need Demul But if I am not importing roms directly into it how do I get it to work Sorry I have done it before but I cant think how I did it Thanks
  24. do i have to import roms into demul
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