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  1. Thanks, but there is no firewall block. It's actually intermitent, every few weeks it will just work without changing anything on the machine and I can connect and get all my backlog downloaded, but then it stops again maybe next boot. that's what Glasswire was installed for so I can monitor network activity, If it was trying and being blocked it would show there, as glasswire can be set to popup when something asks to connect, but Launchbox isn't even trying to connect. it's like it's sitting in some kind of network dormant mode, where internally it's assuming it's offline. Does anyone know if there's a state check it goes through that would trigger this? Unless of course Lanchbox uses a service named something other than "launchbox" that I may have missed? (but that wouldn't explain the intermitent behaviour) It's the only app I have that's behaving this way.
  2. For many months now since 10.something, for me Launchbox is not connecting to the web for anything. It just reports "can't login to Emu movies" or "account cannot be accessed" Steam, trying to open the Epic login just gives me a white screen. thing is, I have glasswire installed so I can see what is trying to 'phone home' and there is no activity from launchbox at all, its not ever trying to connect. please Help!! Cheers, B. Asus Tuf FA506IV windows 10 19042
  3. aaaaahhhh I've managed to narrow it down to laptop sleep mode If I have resumed my laptop from sleep (launchbox doesn't have to be running) then LB can't er, do online things. I've managed to recreate this consistantly afer a few tests. Is it fixable? I'd much rather sleep my machine than restart as forced windows updates cause me all kinds of issues usually.
  4. Mine started working today! that's even more frustrating because I haven't changed anything! What is going on?
  5. Launchbox can't access my Steam, Epic, Emumovies etc, anything. Its like it's been firewall blocked but it hasn't. Glasswire is showing no attempted online activity in the first place so Launchbox appears to think it's offline. No similar issues in any other apps/games. started in 11.9 but still in 11.11 this is happening. Any thoughts guys? Cheers.
  6. at last someone gets it. I was complaining of extraordinary ram usage from just selecting games, and everyone was like no idea what your talking about. thanks so much for this
  7. Hmmm, I'm on the default theme, so looks like I'm gonna have to do some experiments.
  8. Weird. I have the blur function on could it be that? Or the fact it's a portable instillation on an external HDD (7200) ?
  9. It's version 10.11. but like I say this has been happening for a long time, including v9. I think you may have confused the issue, regardless of playlists or not, I'm just talking about literally selecting games, with a single left click on the mouse, or ctrl clicking a few, not within a playlist. (my example was to then add to playlists but it could be for any reason like mass editing etc). FYI none of the playlists are auto generated anyway, (Edit: I just did an experiment and deleted all playlists and it still does it. If fact I also noticed whilst selecting games, Task manager not only shows the memory stacking up, but just selecting random games (this time I was actually using the "select random game" tool shortcut ctrl+alt+Q) the CPU was over 85% on my i5 7300HQ during the selections) My point is just clicking and looking at games seems to be taking up an unbelievably unreasonable amount of resources/overhead. which is obviously a huge concern, as then deciding to run a game after looking at a few, even with 16gb installed my game then has no Ram left to use!
  10. Hey all, Context: I have around 1500 games total in the library, and I use playlists to sort them into various chunks ("party night", "currently playing" etc). Action performed: just the act of highlighting games, or ctrl clicking several (before even adding or getting to any further action) eventually leaves launchbox unresponsive, slows my machine to a crawl, and ultimately shows the low memory error and launchbox force closes itself. (I have 16gb ram) A quick look at task manager shows that each select click is stacking approx 30-100mb to used memory, which is never flushed. meaning after 50~ish games have been clicked on the exe is showing over 6gb use. These are not new images either, they have already been cached as far as I can tell as scrolling through the games without selecting shows box art images instantly. So I presume the accompanying extra art is all being loaded in and kept? FYI this isn't specific to 10.1, as It's been happening for a few versions now. Is this normal behaviour? Cheers. B
  11. Hello knowledgeable peoples. I've been doing alot of admin today sorting games into playlists manually (via rightclick context menu) and I'm getting "your system is running out of memory (ram) and Launchbox cannot continue" After control clicking a handful of games Approx 100 games in a list of 533, task manager is showing ram usage of OVER 10GBs. presumably something to do with art cache? Is this normal? System: My laptop has 16gb ram (w10 - 1903) and a 4gb 1050ti. Launchbox is running from an external usb3 4tb seagate. Thanks in advance B.
  12. oh good idea, but that isn't an option for steam import. do i just try to import manually again then? does that affect steam games in any way? Thanks, BB
  13. genesis plus core doesn't support 32x.
  14. Got a steam game that won't import and I'm mega confused. It parses at the import dialogue as normal, but then says "0 games were successfully imported". the only reason I can think is the first time I tried to import it, it wasn't recognised at all, (although it was in my steam library, I don't think it was in the database) , so I tried manually importing it as "none of the above" pointing directly to it's steam exe . I've since deleted it and now want to re-import properly. I've had a look through the xml's but can't find any remanence. Is there any other reason it wouldn't import? the game is question is called Rifter btw if that matters. thanks in advance. B
  15. Hey all, Grabbed a few games on steam recently and they were all detected/parsed in the import dialogue as normal, however one will not actually import. it's still detected when I go back though the motions but then I get "0 games imported successfully". Any clues? thanks, B
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