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Everything posted by MartinC

  1. Hi Retro808, and thanks! I did not know about that funtionality. That will help a lot. Regards! Martin
  2. Hi there, I have an space problem in my cab, since I have a lot of games and I have 2 options: I delete games or media. I only use Boxes (Front or 3D), not videos or anything else. I use 3D Boxes as main images, and the idea is to fill the empty images with Front boxes, but only the games which need to be updated, so I avoid to have 2 or more images per game. Since the images are not optimized (it would be a lot of work and I understand nobody has that time to expend and that is understandable), I need to reduce at maximum the space. I tried to download the 3D Boxes first and some games have not any, so I tried to download the Front ones, but it will download every Front boxes images available, and some games will have 2 or more images. And with more than 20k games, it will be a lot of space that I don't have. So Is there a way to optimize that and to have only one image per game? Thanks in advance, Martin
  3. Did you try scapping the spaces with '\' sign? Martin
  4. If your relative paths to LB are the same, that should work perfectly. Actually when I reinstall my cab, I just install Windows, create my arcade user and then copy all in there, and works with no issues. In my case, I have all my folders separated (not all in LB folder), and I have: - LaunchBox - Games (roms) - Emulators - Programs (joytokey and a couple more) And as I said, I just copy all into the same main folder, and it works like a charm, since LB will search my games in "..\Games" and so on, using relative paths. So if the folders are in the same way as they are in the original disk, it should work normally. Which is the error you see exactly? Martin
  5. I have a physical button connected to the reset pins on the motherboard, at the top of my cab. The thing is that PC in my cab, not for personal use. So I've set BB as default shell so it will start when the machine is powered on, and that same button will close windows (in a normal way, closing BB and any other program open, not just cutting the power) when it is not used anymore. I don't know if it is useful in your case, in mine it was the best solution to use my cab. Cheers, Martin
  6. Hi guys, My 9-yo daughter is betatesting my cabinet, and I am having some issues, LOL. In this case, I noted that using BB, if you click the start button (physical button in the cabinet) twice, the BB shows "Loading..." and then returns to the BB list, but the game was correctly loaded in background. Then I need to connect a keyboard and swap with Alt-Tab to show the game since I have not chance to stop it because it is not focused. Another variant of that situation (start btn pressed twice) it that the game is loaded correctly but during the game when I move to the left of right, I can hear the sound of BB moving thru the games in the list. Actually when I stop the game, the game listed is not the game loaded, since the list was moving during the game. It was discovered using LB 10.13, but after upgrade to latest version (10.15), it is the same. Is there a way to lock the start button once it is pressed to avoid that? or maybe any other way to avoid that, I don't know... Thanks a lot, Martin
  7. Well... it is solved now. Not the best solution, since will require some re-configurations (minor, thanks God), but I just replaced the retroarch.cfg file with the new one and the problem is gone. Not sure why, apparently the old one was broken in some way but well... after hours testing several possible solutions, this one fixed my issue. Thanks a lot everyone, have a great weekend Martin
  8. Well... when I set the new bezels conf and select override core settings option, the new config is saved correctly on config/Stella/Stella.cfg file, but for some reason it is not loaded on the screen. Even I restart RA and the config is still there (on onscreen overlays section), but it will not be loaded, I don;t know why. No options to be changed (according to the new retroarch.cfg file), but still one RA is working and not the other one... Even I added the same overlay info on the three files (game, core and RA cfg files to see what happens, and still nothing, something is preventing to load the bezels info even when it is here into the config files. So nothing... just an update, maybe someone have an idea or something. Thanks, Martin
  9. I am doing some testing between my old version and the new one, and the problem is apparently on retroarch.cfg file. I am not sure where yet, unfortunately it is not so obvious as I wish, but that is an start point at least. If someone thinks on something, please advise Thanks, Martin
  10. Thanks a lot for the info @Ateb, I saw that thread yesterday, actually. I tried installing a new RA in my notebook, downloaded bezels for the systems and performed the normal configuration for Atari 2600, and it worked just fine... weird. It is evidently a problem with the RA in my cabinet. It is rare since I never did something out of normal there, just configure cores and games normally. Even I updated that RA to latest version (I had 1.7.6 or so) and it is still not working, I don't know why. The conf is pretty the same for both RAs, I checked the names and configurations and nothing. I am going to keep checking and googling, I hope I will find something, but for now it is completely weird. Thanks again, Martin
  11. Hi all, I am trying to figure out what is wrong here googling and searching for people with something similar but I could not find anything until now. Even I saw tutorials for LB, using The Bezels Project for Windows and it is not working for me. That's why I am here now, asking for your help. I have my arcade cabinet using LB and BB since a while ago, but I never used bezels until now. I started doing it on Retropie with no issues, but doing the same on RA on PC, it is just not working and I don't know why. This is what I did on RP, maybe on PC is different, I don't know: - On Video, I selected "Core Provided" for aspect radio, and "Integer Scale" to ON. - On Onscreen Overlay, I set the Preset (actually it was selected from the beginning but as I never used bezels, I never knew) and of course "Display Overlay" to ON. Doing those steps, RP started to show the bezels with no issues, I just downloaded some and put them on borders folder, did the speps above and that's all. If someone thinks on something I forgot to do in order to get the bezels working, I appreciate that a lot. Thanks in advance, Martin
  12. Sorry, you are right, all is in there. I had configured DosBox conf files into DosBox directory and since it was moved, the games did not play anymore because the new route. Thanks a lot! Martin
  13. Hi there, I just updated from LB 10.11 to 10.13, que last version, and I just realized that DOSBox and other directories (like CDRAO and 7zip) are gone. Fortunately I have a backup since I have all the conf files for DOSBox into that directory, but that was rare. Anyone else had the same problem or it was just me? The update was successfully done, no errors shown or anything else. I just realized that when I tried to play a DOS game and the conf file was not found. Thanks a lot, Martin
  14. Thanks! ?
  15. Hi @Jason Carr, I don't know if you were told or asked before about this, but I miss the following since the first time I used LB a little long time ago. During the import rom assistant, at the very end, it tells me something like (sorry but I use it in spanish so I can't copy&paste) "The assistant is ready to import the following games." or something like that. And below I see the complete list of games to be imported, but usually I want to know if there are all of them or someone is missing. If I have 1000 roms in the directory, it is impossible to count them by hand to know that. So I was wondering if it is possible for you to add the total number somewhere, something like "The assistant is ready to import 1000 games." or something... is that possible? I think it will help a lot in complement with the detailed list of games that already is there. Thanks! Martin
  16. Thanks Damageinc86, I am doing exactly that right now. That way I think I will have all the games imported to my collection and avoid to break anything Cheers! Martin
  17. Hi Neil9000, and thanks for reply. I don't understand what you mean with unofficial builds. The correct way would be importing the roms to my build? that would be the correct way to avoid everything will be break? Regards, Martin
  18. Hi guys, I recently downloaded the ColPipes1978's huge collection, it is really awsome. But since I already have my own collection, with some platforms, I am interested in migrate games from that collection to mine. I thought that it would be as easy as copy games and platform config XML files (from Data folder), but that did not work. Even more, when I tried to restore my files and games, those are unusable too. I assume LaunchBox is modifying some other files, but I can't find which ones. And sincerely, do a full backup from my LB folder and try by test and error is a waste of time, so I thought that would be better ask for help here. Anyone tried that in the past and can help me? Thanks a lot in advance, Martin
  19. Hi Scooter, and thank you! I just found the feature that you mentioned. Regards, Martin
  20. Hi there, At the beginning, when i started to import platforms and games, i used to download every image and video groups available from launchbox and emumovies. The thing is that i need to clean some of them now, to cleaning up and i assume that will help on performance too. Is there a way to do that? Thanks! Have a great weekend. Martin
  21. Hi all! I just upgraded to version 9.7 due to an issue that was fixed in this one, and now I am experiencing a new one that was not happening on any of the previous version that I used until now. It is happening with any platform and game, not just MAME or with blank screen as I saw in another reported issue. I don't think it is the same, but could be. The thing is that after playing any games, when I press exit and it is done but Big Box is frozen (I see BB normally, but the video is frozen and nothing is moving there, I just can see the BB screen with the list of games and all that), I can't move or press anything. But it is not really frozen, just un-focused. If I press Alt-Tab, I return to that window and BB keep working normally. For some reason it loss the window focus when a game is closed, which was not happening before to this upgrade to version 9.7, so I think it is some kind of issue with this version un particular. Is anyone experiencing the same issue? Thanks a lot in advance, Martin
  22. YES! It seems to be finally fixed. I see another issue that was not happening with previous versions (at least not until 9.5) but I will open a new thread for that one. Thanks a lot @Jason Carr and everyone! Martin
  23. Exactly, I just saw that. I am downloading it right now. Thanks! Regards, Martin
  24. I am using version 9.5, but I see 9.6 is out already. I will test that one and will be back shortly. Thanks @Lordmonkus! Martin
  25. Hi there, I am having this issue since a while ago, I think since I started using LB/BB. And I need to know if anyone else is having this one or it is just me, because it is a little annoing after a while. Ok, I am going to the point, and I hope I will be able to explain it because it is a little hard to show with words only. Suppose I am navigating in any category of my games (Atari, Arcade, anything) and the screen shows the box image and a little video of the game. When I move the joystick to the next game, a new image box and video is loaded and so on. The problem is that if I use the keyboard, the switch between games goes smoothly, even if the video (which can take a second to be loaded) is not loaded/showed yet. But when I use the joystick, it stops responding until the video is loaded, and I can't move to the next game until then. So let say I can move from a game to the next one with keyboard very quickly (or even normal at 3-4 games per second), but with joystick it is impossible and I need to wait until the video is loaded to get the next move. Is it my issue only? Do you know how can I solve it? Because it is very annoing when you start playing more than 5 minutes. I remember to use HS (not offend, please, just to clarify that is not something generic) and that never happened. The PC is the same actually, I just changed to LL/BB because it is much better in many ways, but I can't fix this issue and maybe any of youhad the same and can say how to solve it. Thanks! Martin
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