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Everything posted by dxhuntle

  1. Same issue here. Even if I cancel it comes right back. I also have a emumovies account for videos. No idea.
  2. Thanks Brad. Sorry it took me a while to get back here, got busy working on some other systems. I actually had not changed the system name on mine. I did find a solution that was kind of a pain but did do the trick. If I needed to make a change to the ROM title in order to locate the correct metadata in the database, I also had to change the actual file name of the ROM to correspond. This was a pain because I found that changing the ROM file name while in the editor did nothing. I had to locate the ROM in the folder and and change it there. But, once I did, the problem was solved.
  3. I'm new to the forums but I couldn't find anything specifically on this topic to sorry if this is a re-tread. After importing a large folder of ROMs for NES, it was able to find and automatically download associated metadata/images for about 90% of them. I then went through and corrected some of the titles in the search and was able to download images for several additional games. (For example, Back to the Future parts 2 and 3. I searched for just "Back to the Future" and found it labeled as "pasts II and III" in the database.) This was yesterday. Today I noticed the games that had images yesterday are today gone again. I don't want to keep doing the same work over and over. Is there a box I'm not checking somewhere that allows lauchbox permission to edit the roms or something? I'm just confused and didn't want to go through and clean up my library until I figured this out. Can anyone help me out? Thanks.
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