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  1. Can’t thank you enough for this tutorial. I’m getting ready to do this on a fresh install of Launchbox and a 2 player cabinet I built. I love the idea of the AKNF batch file to trim things down. One question though, I plan to download a newer version of MAME. Since the AKNF batch file was based off of MAME .238, would it work with newer versions? Or do you have an updated AKNF batch file you could share?
  2. I am having the exact same issue as you have described. Bezels are downloaded and MAME is pointing to the correct file path in the MAME artwork folder but vertical game bezels will not load. I’ve read everything I can and can’t seem to find a solution. Was hoping someone had an answer for me.
  3. Hello, I have downloaded the 0.020 Mame set and imported into Launchbox. The majority of the games work fine other than the games missing CHD files. I did not include CHD files due to lack of hard drive space. Is there a way I can hide all games missing CHD files from the Launchbox Gameslist? That way I can keep all of the zip files and only add the CHD files to the games I’d actually play thus saving hard drive space. The only way I know how is to delete the zip file but then I’d have to have a master list of games requiring CHD files and manually delete them. Is there an easier way? I hope?
  4. Has anyone ever figured out a solution to this? Its kind of become second nature to just not touch the volume buttons until I am in a game but if someone else is playing the arcade then they don't know not to touch it and I have to end process to get out of big box. I entered a ticket for this some time ago but never heard anything back.
  5. A ticket has been entered. Thank you for responding!
  6. This was addressed in a different post a few months ago but unfortunatly enabling all or disabling all controllers didn't do it for me as a suggested fix. The problem is only in BigBox. Not in Launchbox. It also only happens in the menus interface. If I am in a game both volume buttons work fine. If I am in a menu screen within Bigbox and hit either the volume up or down buttons Bigbox will freeze. This happens if I hit the keyboard volume or control panel volume. I am also up to date on the latest release. Any help with this would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.
  7. Ok I have exact same issue as described above. Only enabling all or disabling all controllers didn't do it for me. The problem is only in BigBox. Not in Launchbox. It also only happens in the menus interface. If I am in a game both volume buttons work fine. If I am in a menu screen within Bigbox and hit either the volume up or down buttons Bigbox will freeze. This happens if I hit the keyboard volume or control panel volume. I am also up to date on the latest release.
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