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LaunchBox Rookie

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File Comments posted by LaunchBox Rookie

  1. One last question for Lord or whoever. I am using the link Lord provided earlier to quickly discover the folder name of games I wanted to add. My question is, if there are multiple "sets" shown, do you have to use them all?

    See the link below for example. Top Hunter for example has "Set 1" & "Set 2." Do I need to put both in the batch file or just one or the other???

    http://www.mamedb.org/List.aspx?q=Top hunter&og=false

    By the way, I am using non-merged 0.201 set.

  2. On 9/27/2018 at 11:39 AM, Lordmonkus said:

    201 is the correct version but it should work perfectly fine with the 200 set, nothing changed in the file naming.

    The easiest way is to simply edit the batch file using notepad++ and adding lines at the end for any games you want to add. Just refer the other lines in the batch file for exact context.

    copy gameromname.zip NoFiller

    The spreadsheet filee is for more advanced users who are at least a little confident with using it. I just provided it so if anyone wanted to really dig in and go crazy with it all the necessary files are there and ready to work with.

    Thank you sir, it worked like a charm so far. That being said, is there a resource online where we can look up a specific MAME game by name, and then be able to see what that folder is named in our MAME collection? In other words, if I was looking for "Prehistoric Isle in 1930," how would I find what the folder is named in the MAME folder so I can add to the batch file?  Reversing that, I randomly picked this folder off your batch file called "copy tp84.zip NoFiller." Without some type of reference, I would have no idea what game that is...

    Thank you again.

  3. 2 minutes ago, neil9000 said:

    Ill field this one as i dont think @Lordmonkus will be around for a few hours. :) I think thats just a overlooked typo in the readme file, its for 0.201 he just hasnt edited the readme by the sounds of it, tsk tsk. :) 

    Thank you sir. I added a question to my original post if you are able to answer it as well... On how to add any games I might want to the batch file...

  4. Hello sir.

    First of all, thank you for doing this! I am going to try it out. Second, I downloaded this file and the "README.txt" file says that set 0.200 is needed, but in the description above, it states that 0.201 is needed. Can you clarify which is correct?

    Also, how does one add any new games to this batch file? I read the directions, see the Excel sheet, etc., but there are no specific directions on how to add any games users may want in addition to the ones you've loaded into it.

    And thank you again for this effort.

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