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  1. Hi, LB Crashes when scrolling through Box front images when one is missing ( or more than one ) Here is the error message.. Thanks FRK
  2. Hi, I am trying to organize my magazines but when I reach a title without a image (box front) it crashes.. See image Help required. Thanks FRK
  3. DONE... Million Thanks.. Mike
  4. Hi Retro808, ALMOST done... Just need to know how (if I make) a video border, what to call it and where to put it ( I will have the same for every title) Thanks FRK Michael Magnum
  5. Hi Guys, Simple one from a simple guy. I am setting up Magazines with BB BUT when I try and import images no matter how hard I try I still cant seem to populate the page just before launching the Magazine.. Here is a picture.. Thanks FRK
  6. Hi Guys and Gals Looking for platform video for LCD Handhelds As per this install Thanks Mike
  7. HI, Got them working in mame (had the wrong roms) but for some reason they will not import in to Launchbox. What am I doing wrong ? Thanks Mike
  8. Did you ever sort this as I'm having the same issues Mike
  9. Hi I understand that Coleco Handhelds work with mame, as I have seen youtube videos, but for the life of me I cant get them working in mame or launchbox.. Advice very welcome. Thanks Mike
  10. @C-Beats any ideas ?? Mike
  11. 2023-09-25 21-42-38.mp4
  12. Hi, all the platforms are the same with 3d box and cart but for some reason the N65 HD one has 3d boxes in a pile... can't understand it.. Mike
  13. Hi Look at this, I fixed it now it returned.. Any help welcome.. The first platform is correct the second is some random rubbish which I cant seem to fix Thanks Mike
  14. Hi, Could not find anything so made this.. Not fantastic but better then I had. FRK Fruit Machines.mp4
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