Awesome ! Can't wait for your new changes
Oh and by the way, I forgot to mention that your theme now works correctly with my 16:10 screen, no more black bars !
Hello y2guru !
Basically I have this :
The boxes-front on the corverflow in the bottom are duplicated and bigger on the left side (circle red)
When I force launchbox to find the boxes in my 3D-boxes (changing the folder in the platform settings) I get this :
I worked a lot of time on my Hyperspin to have all the medias named correctly for all my platform. Now I use launchbox I find really nice to use my own 3D boxes, but find way better when I have another game box in this view and so having a different image in each window. The best would be to have the possibility to set all the image the way we want. In this example, 3D-boxes for the bottom and boxes-front for the middle left image.
I tried to force the clear logo to my 3D boxes folder and keep the rest of the folders untouched but I get a weird coverflow :
Hope you can find a solution to my demand
Thank you !
This theme is awesome, thank you !
I think I am using HorizontalWheel2 layout, is there a way to have the 3D boxes in the bottom cover flow, and keep the original boxes in the main window on the left ?