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  1. Excellent, I'll give it a shot....tyvm! 👍
  2. Thank you, but I have another question now. For the various computers (Atari 800, C64, etc.) is there a way to filter out the games that were only released in non-english versions?
  3. I just installed LB 13 on my new pc, and I'm beginning the arduous process of importing all my roms in. Unfortunately, I have several complete collections which include foreign language and children's titles. I don't want them cluttering up my lists, and I would prefer not having all the artwork taking up space on my drive. I know how to delete individual games, but I'm hoping there's a much quicker way to do this. I've already imported several systems, so I'm guessing my best bet is to just delete those entirely and start over (at least that way I can get rid of the artwork too...I hope), so basically I'm wondering if there's a faster way to delete what I don't want? Thanks.
  4. The gods have smiled upon me today!!! Now I can finally stop fighting with Arc Browser on my Shield (fingers crossed lol). If I run into any issues other than those listed I'll drop a line...TYSVVM!!
  5. Version 1.0.0


    I didn't find any box scans for the Amiga in the list, so I found some online. Feel free to use as you like. Now all I need to do is figure out how to add these to LaunchBox and I'll be set lol! Sorry, I'm still extremely new to LB, but so far all of my attempts to update the photos without re-scraping the entire list has avoided me. Hope these help someone!
  6. Commodore Amiga box scans View File I didn't find any box scans for the Amiga in the list, so I found some online. Feel free to use as you like. Now all I need to do is figure out how to add these to LaunchBox and I'll be set lol! Sorry, I'm still extremely new to LB, but so far all of my attempts to update the photos without re-scraping the entire list has avoided me. Hope these help someone! Submitter IamNegan Submitted 03/31/2018 Category Game Box Art
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