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Everything posted by Romfrosk

  1. I know the feeling. Hopefully I'll have all systems imported by the end of the day. ? Depends how long the check for missing metadata takes. I see that it now can find a lot of media it should have found before. I don't know why.
  2. As requested, i've added a column of ROMs I also deleted Future Pinball for now, and will get into the Pinball section later Currently downloading missing Metadata & Media for all platforms (takes a while for 84k games)
  3. I had a "number of ROMs" column too, but it seems that the number Launchbox first reports imported and the actual number in the list changes. So for now i've excluded it. Can't find any "how" platform
  4. Ready: Roms downloaded and ready to be imported into Launchbox Imported: Files imported into Launchbox If there is no markings under Emulator, it just means i havent started to set up an emulator yet, or i have not found a working one.I have created a "Dummy Emulator" for import purposes. which is really just RetroArch with no systems. I have used the following command line for MAME for Apple IIGS which started those i tested <CommandLine>apple2gs -flop3</CommandLine>
  5. Calling it a day for now Got an additional 11 systems working. and imported quite a few new ones. Also have 70 new systems ready for import. Also downloaded Colpipes awesome pack, so that i could use his artwork Added a spreadsheet myself to the original post
  6. i Loved your list mine is mostly the same actually I see you have split it into languages, i might do that too when i get the systems running
  7. I have been looking at Colpipe, and will try to get more and more systems running. These last few days have been more "cleaning" and getting down all known "No-Intro" or "TOSEC" packs out there. After reimporting some systems with strange errors, i will start getting more systems up and running. I see that both MAME and RetroArch can get most up and running. but i need to find specifics for the rest. I'm filling out a spreadsheet as i go, and will upload that to the main post soon
  8. Looks like all my systems from A -> Co are gone from my launchbox. Will troubleshoot some before i recover from backups. or reimport.
  9. Thanks gamerboii Today i've been importing more of the planned systems, and mostly cleaned up my romsets. Either by getting zipped versions or download more complete sets. MAME 0.197 released today and i got my setup up to date there as well. tonight i'll be trying to get more systems working Imported Systems: 131 Imported Games: 75.361 Working Systems: 81 Systems missing: Sega Model 1 Magnavox Odyssey Interton VC 4000 Game Wave Family Entertainment System Taito Type X (and others) Sega ST-V
  10. My mistake, i totally forgot about another game folder which was massive. I have corrected the stats above with my new data, as i also added some new systems.
  11. So a small update after a weekend of working with my setup I have removed a couple of systems from my planned list as they included few and "not interesting" games Mainly spent time on getting newer MAME roms, getting new emulators to work, and get fullsets for some uncomplete systems Imported Systems: 100 Working Systems: 65 Total Games: 60k Planned Systems Total: 110
  12. So it's my turn to try this amazing suite of software. Will update with replies below, and update the total stats in the main post I'm a "hoarder" as you may see, and i'm trying to get as many systems as possible to work in Launchbox If you have any tips for the more "obscure" systems out there, please let me know. Imported Systems: 252 (+2) Imported Games: 104.540 (+1597) Fully Working: 124 (+18) Semi Working: 33 (-4) [Missing Controls or no autoload] Barely Working: 29(-9) [Missing Commands to start games] Not Working: 67 (+5) Missing: 3 (--) Total Storage: 6,93TB (100 GB) Total Systems in ROM Folders: 238 (--) Planned Systems: 256 (-2) Fully Working - Games start, and able to play Semi Working - Games start but not able to find the controls easily Barely Working - Machine starts, but don't know how to start games Not Working - Can't find working emulator Updated: 27.05.2018 Focused on getting more systems to work. Added missing ExoDOS collection Added OpenBOR and Bandai Pippin P.S: If anyone knows how to start the systems i've marked "Missing Commands", Please let me know They are mostly BASIC ones P.S 2: I have the Full set of MAME ROMs v 0.197, in case someone have issues using the commands i have used in mame SystemStatus.xlsx
  13. Thanks Pr0FiT I'll see what i go for currently only downloading smaller amounts of images while importing. Then comes all the fun work with setting up RetroArch + all the other Emulators
  14. I try to extract the ones i can Currently holding 5TB of ROMs. Is there a way to set a default location for Mediafiles? Changing every platform manually is time consuming (Starting the import of the library today)
  15. Nice Do you run the entire software from the NAS, or only the Media/ROM files?
  16. Hi. Currently setting up a massive collection of ROM for about 50 different systems. And i want to store all Media files (Images, Video, Manuals ++) on a NAS drive. All is connected on a GBit interface (NAS has 2GBit) Would it be a major difference in performance compared to having the media locally? ROMs are already stored on the same NAS
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