So it's my turn to try this amazing suite of software.
Will update with replies below, and update the total stats in the main post
I'm a "hoarder" as you may see, and i'm trying to get as many systems as possible to work in Launchbox
If you have any tips for the more "obscure" systems out there, please let me know.
Imported Systems: 252 (+2)
Imported Games: 104.540 (+1597)
Fully Working: 124 (+18)
Semi Working: 33 (-4) [Missing Controls or no autoload]
Barely Working: 29(-9) [Missing Commands to start games]
Not Working: 67 (+5)
Missing: 3 (--)
Total Storage: 6,93TB (100 GB)
Total Systems in ROM Folders: 238 (--)
Planned Systems: 256 (-2)
Fully Working - Games start, and able to play
Semi Working - Games start but not able to find the controls easily
Barely Working - Machine starts, but don't know how to start games
Not Working - Can't find working emulator
Updated: 27.05.2018
Focused on getting more systems to work.
Added missing ExoDOS collection
Added OpenBOR and Bandai Pippin
P.S: If anyone knows how to start the systems i've marked "Missing Commands", Please let me know
They are mostly BASIC ones
P.S 2: I have the Full set of MAME ROMs v 0.197, in case someone have issues using the commands i have used in mame