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Hello, I have a CSV file with a list of game and I want to import that simple list into the software. How can I do it? Is there any way? Thank you!
Jason Carr said Hi Dopax, Jason from Facebook. We'll see if anyone else can chime in as well. First off, where are you getting your CSV file? What is that data coming from?
This CSV is just a list of games titles. Just one column.
Ah, I see. Probably the easiest thing to do would be to somehow generate a series of blank files named by the contents of the CSV. Then the ROM import process would be able to see them all. I'm not sure how easy that would be to do, would have to find an app that would do something like that. Are all the games in the CSV for the same platform?
Jason Carr said Ah, I see. Probably the easiest thing to do would be to somehow generate a series of blank files named by the contents of the CSV. Then the ROM import process would be able to see them all. I'm not sure how easy that would be to do, would have to find an app that would do something like that. Are all the games in the CSV for the same platform?
Yeah,I could not find a software for this purpose.. I really don't know what to do.. Thanks.
I think creating a batch file with this might work:
FOR /F "tokens=1* delims=," %%G IN (C:\mytex~1.csv) DO (type nul>"%%G.txt")
Save the above as "something.bat", replace "C:\mytex~1.csv" by your actual file name, place "something.bat" in an empty directory and run it. Something else I read might work is:
FOR /F "tokens=1* delims=," %%G IN (C:\mytex~1.csv) DO FSUTIL file createnew %%G.txt 10
If you're running this in interactive mode (a.k.a, directly on the command line, without saving it as a batch file), replace "%%" with a single "%" (so "%%G" becomes "%G"). But...I'm a Linux guy and have never used window's cmd scripting language. Try this in a safe directory first! Sources: stackoverflow, Stackoverflow 2, SS64, and the manual for "for" on SS64. Hope it helps!

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