Hippyshake Posted May 21, 2015 Author Posted May 21, 2015 Inspired by Jason's Engrish "thank you for this post," I came across a pretty interesting site that lets you enter a phrase and translate it back and forth between English and other languages. The results can be funny, but also a bit fascinating. For example, consider this: I typed in: You must not commit adultery To Arabic: يجب أن لا يرتكب الزنا Back to English: You must not commit adultery To Armenian: Դուք պետք է прелюбодействовать Back to English: You must commit adultery O_O >_< Here's the Amazon description for Super Mario World (set on Yandex / Max / Random (unfortunately, it has a 250 character limit, so I had to enter each sentences individually (please excuse all these parentheticals))): Original text: Super Mario World (Super Nintendo) Mario and his dinosaur companion, Yoshi, are looking for the dinosaur eggs Bowser has stolen and placed in seven castles. SpoilerTo Albanian: Super Mario World (Super Nintendo) Mario tij dinosaur shoku, Yoshi, janë në kërkim për vezë dinosauri Bowser ka vjedhur dhe për të vendosur në shtatë kështjellave. Back to English: Super Mario World (Super Nintendo) Mario and his dinosaur companion, Yoshi, are looking for the dinosaur eggs Bowser has stolen and placed in seven castles. To Armenian: Աշխարհը super Mario (super Нинтендо) եւ նրա компаньоном Mario динозавр, Yoshi, փնտրում dinosaur ձու, Bowser գողացել և տեղադրել են յոթ բերդեր. Back to English: World super Mario (super Nintendo) and its companion Mario dinosaur, Yoshi, are looking for the dinosaur eggs Bowser has stolen and set on seven locks. To Azerbaijani: Dünya super Mario (super Нинтендо) və onun yoldaşı Mario динозавр, Йоши axtarırıq yumurta dinozavrların Bowser oğurlayıb və qurmaq yeddi qalalar. Back to English: Super Mario world (super Nintendo) and his wife, Mario, dinosaur, Yoshi, are looking for the dinosaur eggs Bowser has stolen and to build seven castles. To Belarusian: Свет супер Марые (супер Нінтэнда) і яго жонка, Марые, дыназаўр, Йоши, шукаем яйкі дыназаўраў Боузер выкраў і пабудаваць сем замкаў. Back to English: Super Mario world (super Nintendo) and his wife, Mario, dinosaur, Yoshi, are looking for the dinosaur eggs Bowser has stolen and to build seven castles. To Bosnian: Super Mario svijet (super Nintendo) i njegova supruga, Maria, dinosaurus, Josi, traže dinosaurus jaja Bowser je ukrao i za izgradnju sedam dvorca. Back to English: Super Mario world (super Nintendo) and his wife, Maria, dinosaur, Yoshi, are looking for the dinosaur eggs Bowser has stolen and for the construction of seven of the castle. To Bulgarian: Света на супер Марио (super Nintendo) и съпругата му, Мария, динозавър, Йоши, търсим яйца на динозаври Bowser открадна и за изграждането на седем замъка. Back to English: Super Mario world (super Nintendo) and his wife, Maria, dinosaur, Yoshi, look for the dinosaur eggs Bowser has stolen and to create seven of the castle. To Catalan: Super Mario world (super Nintendo) i la seva dona, Maria, dinosaure, Yoshi, de buscar els ous de dinosaure Bowser ha robat i crear set del castell. Back to English: Super Mario world (super Nintendo) and his wife, Maria, dinosaur, Yoshi, look for the dinosaur eggs Bowser has stolen and to create seven of the castle. To Chinese: 超级马里奥世界超级游戏机)和他的妻子玛利亚的恐龙Yoshi,找恐龙蛋鲍泽偷并建立了七个城堡。 Back to English: Super Mario World Super Gameboy)and his wife, Maria, dinosaur, Yoshi,are looking for the dinosaur eggs Bowser stolen and the establishment of the seven castles. To Croatian: Super Mario svijet super Геймбой)i njegova supruga Marija, dinosaur, Yoshi,traže ukradenih jaja dinosaura Боузера i osnivanje sedam brava. Back to English: Super Mario world super Gameboy)and his wife, Maria, dinosaur, Yoshi,to look for stolen dinosaur eggs Bowser and the creation of the seven castles. To Ukranian: Супер Маріо світ супер Геймбой)і його дружина, Марія, динозавр, Йоші,щоб відшукати вкрадені яйця динозавра Боузера і створення семи замків. Back to English: Super Mario world super Gameboy)and his wife, Maria, dinosaur, Yoshi,to locate stolen dinosaur eggs Bowser and the seven castles. To Turkish: Super Mario world super Gameboy)ve eşi Maria, dinozor, Yoshi,çalıntı dinozor yumurtaları Bowser bulmak ve yedi kaleler. Back to English: Super Mario World Super Game Boy)and his wife Maria, dinosaur, Yoshi,dinosaur eggs Bowser stolen castles and seven find. To Thai: ซูเปอร์มาริโอ้ในโลกสุดยอดเกมส์เด็กชายและภรรยาของเขามาเรียนแนวไดโนเสาร์,Yoshi,ไดโนเสาร์เต่าล้านปีไข่ Bowser กขโมยไปปราสาททั้งเจ็ดหาก Back to English: Super Mario world super game boy, and his wife, Maria, dinosaur,Yoshi,dinosaur eggs Bowser stolen castles seven. To Spanish: Super Mario world de super game boy, y su esposa, Maria, dinosaurio Yoshi,el dinosaurio huevos Bowser robado castillos de las siete. Back to English: Super Mario world super game boy, and his wife, Maria, dinosaur, Yoshi,dinosaur eggs Bowser stolen castles of the seven. To Finnish: Super Mario world peli super poika, ja hänen vaimonsa Maria, dinosaurus, Yoshi,dinosauruksen munia Bowser varastettu linnoja seitsemän. Back to English: Super Mario world the game super boy, and his wife, Maria, dinosaur, Yoshi,dinosaur eggs Bowser stolen castles seven. To Slovenian: Super Mario world igro super fant in njegova žena Maria, dinozaver, Yoshi,dinozaver jajca Bowser ukradli sedem gradov. Back to English: Super Mario world the game super guy and his wife Maria, dinosaur, Yoshi,dinosaur eggs Bowser stolen seven castles. To Georgian: Super Mario world თამაში super ბიჭი და მისი ცოლი მარია, დინოზავრის, Yoshi,დინოზავრის კვერცხები Bowser მოპარული შვიდი ციხე. Back to English: Super Mario world the game super boy and his wife Maria, dinosaur, Yoshi,dinosaur eggs Bowser has stolen the seven castles. To Russian: Мир супер Марио игра супер мальчик и его жена Мария, динозавр, Йоши,Боузер украл яйца динозавров на семь замков. Back to English: Super Mario world game super boy and his wife, Maria, dinosaur, Yoshi,Bowser has stolen dinosaur eggs in seven castles. To Greek: Super Mario παγκόσμιο παιχνίδι super boy και η σύζυγός του, Μαρία, δεινόσαυρος, Υόσχη,Bowser έχει κλαπεί αυγά δεινοσαύρων σε επτά κάστρα. Back to English: Super Mario world game super boy and his wife, Maria, dinosaur, Yoshi,Bowser has stolen dinosaur eggs in seven castles. To Portuguese: Super Mario world jogo super boy e sua esposa, Maria, dinossauro, Yoshi,Bowser roubou os ovos de dinossauro em sete castelos. Back to English: Super Mario world the game super boy and his wife, Mary, dinosaur, Yoshi,Bowser stole the dinosaur eggs in seven castles. To Macedonian: Супер Марио светот играта супер момче и неговата сопруга, Марија, диносаурус, Yoshi,Bowser го украле диносаурус јајца во седум замоци. Back to English: Super Mario world the game super boy and his wife, Mary, dinosaur, Yoshi,Bowser stole the dinosaur eggs in seven castles. To Indonesian: Super Mario dunia permainan super anak dan istrinya, Mary, dinosaurus, Yoshi,Bowser mencuri telur dinosaurus di tujuh kastil. Back to English: Super Mario world the game super kid and his wife, Mary, dinosaur, Yoshi,Bowser steals a dinosaur egg in seven castles. To Romanian: Lumea super Mario, jocul super copilul și soția lui, Mary, dinozaur, Yoshi,Bowser răpește ou de dinozaur în șapte lacăte. Back to English: Super Mario world the game super kid and his wife, Mary, dinosaur, Yoshi,Bowser kidnaps their eggs dinosaur on seven locks. To Arabic: سوبر ماريو العالم لعبة سوبر الفتى و زوجته ماري الديناصور يوشي ، العربة يختطف البيض ديناصور على سبعة أقفال. Back to English: Super Mario World Super Game Boy, and his wife, Mary dinosaur Yoshi's. Bowser kidnaps the eggs dinosaur on seven locks. To Danish: Super Mario World, Super Spil Dreng, og hans kone, Mary dinosaur Yoshi ' s. Bowser kidnapper de æg, og dinosaur på syv låse. Back to English: Super Mario World, Super Game Boy, and his wife, Mary dinosaur Yoshi's. Bowser kidnaps the eggs, and dinosaur on seven locks. To Lithuanian: Super Mario World, Super Žaidimas Berniukas ir jo žmonos Marijos dinozaurų Yoshi. Naršyklė pagrobia kiaušiniai, ir dinozauras ant septynių užraktų. Back to English: Super Mario World, Super Game Boy, and his wife, Mary dinosaur Yoshi. Bowser kidnaps eggs, and dinosaur on seven locks. To Hungarian: Super Mario World, Super Game Boy, valamint felesége, Mária dinoszaurusz Yoshi. Bowser kidnaps tojás, dinoszaurusz, a hét zárak. Back to English: Super Mario World, Super Game Boy, and wife, Mary dinosaur Yoshi. Bowser kidnaps eggs, dinosaur, the seven locks. To Dutch: Super Mario World, Super Game Boy en vrouw, Mary dinosaurus Yoshi. Bowser ontvoert de eieren, de dinosaurus, de zeven sluizen. Back to English: Super Mario World, Super Game Boy, and wife, Mary dinosaur Yoshi. Bowser kidnaps the eggs, the dinosaur, the seven locks. To Maltese: Super Mario-Dinja, Super-Logħba Tifel u mara, Ursula dinosaur Yoshi. Bowser kidnaps - bajd, l-dinosaur, is-seba'tissikka. Back to English: Super Mario World, Super Game Boy and a woman, Mary dinosaur Yoshi. Bowser kidnaps the eggs, the dinosaur, the seven locks. To Norwegian: Super Mario World, Super Game Boy og en kvinne, Maria, dinosauren Yoshi. Bowser kidnapper eggene, dinosaur, de syv låser. Back to English: Super Mario World, Super Game Boy and a woman, Maria, the dinosaur Yoshi. Bowser kidnaps their eggs, the dinosaur, the seven locks. To Swedish: Super Mario World, Super Game Boy och en kvinna, Maria, dinosaurien Yoshi. Bowser kidnappar sina ägg, dinosaurie, de sju lås. Back to English: Super Mario World, Super Game Boy and a woman, Maria, the dinosaur Yoshi. Bowser kidnaps their eggs, the dinosaur, the seven locks. To French: Super Mario World, Super Game Boy et d'une femme, Maria, le dinosaure Yoshi. Bowser kidnappe leurs œufs, les dinosaures, les sept écluses. Back to English: Super Mario World, Super Game Boy and a woman, Maria, the dinosaur Yoshi. Bowser kidnaps their eggs, the dinosaurs, the seven locks. To Italian: Super Mario World, Super Game Boy e una donna, Maria, il dinosauro Yoshi. Bowser rapisce le loro uova, i dinosauri, le sette trecce. Back to English: Super Mario World, Super Game Boy and a woman, Mary, the dinosaur Yoshi. Bowser kidnaps their eggs, the dinosaurs, the seven braids. To German: Super Mario World, Super Game Boy und eine Frau, Maria, die Dinosaurier Yoshi. Bowser entführt Ihre Eier, die Dinosaurier, die sieben Zöpfe. Back to English: Super Mario World, Super Game Boy and a woman, Mary, the dinosaur Yoshi. Bowser kidnaps their eggs, the dinosaur, the seven braids. To Serbian: Свет супер Марио, супер игре дечак и жена, Мери, диносаурус Јоши. Боусер отима своје јаја, диносаурус, седам плетенице. Back to English: Super Mario world, super game boy and the woman, Mary, the dinosaur Yoshi. Bowser kidnaps their eggs, the dinosaur, seven KOs. To Polish: Świat super Mario bros, super gry chłopiec i kobieta, Mary, dinozaur Yoshi. Bowser porywa ich jaja, dinozaur, siedem Kos. Back to English: Super Mario world, super game boy and the woman, Mary, the dinosaur Yoshi. Bowser kidnaps their eggs, the dinosaur, seven KOs. To Hebrew: עולם סופר מריו, משחק סופר בוי ו אישה, מרי, את יושי הדינוזאור. באוזר חוטף את ביציהם, את הדינוזאורים, שבע קוס. Back to English: Super Mario World, Super Game Boy and a woman, Mary, Yoshi the dinosaur. Bowser kidnaps their eggs, the dinosaurs, seven Kos. To Latvian: Super Mario Pasaule, Super Spēli Zēns un sieviete, vārdā Marija, Yoshi dinozauru. Bowser nolaupa olas, dinozauri, septiņas Kos. Back to English: Super Mario World, Super Game Boy and the woman, Mary, Yoshi the dinosaur. Bowser kidnaps eggs, dinosaurs, seven Kos. To Estonian: Super Mario Maailm, Super Mäng Poiss ja naine, Mary, Yoshi dinosaurus. Bowser röövib munad, dinosaurused, seitse Kos. Back to English: Super Mario World, Super Game Boy and the woman, Mary, Yoshi the dinosaur. Bowser kidnaps eggs, dinosaurs, seven Kos. To Slovak: Super Mario World, Super Hra Chlapec a žena, Mária, Yoshi dinosaur. Bowser unesie vajcia, dinosaurov, sedem Kos. Back to English: Super Mario World, Super Game Boy and the woman, Mary, Yoshi the dinosaur. Bowser kidnaps eggs, dinosaurs, seven Kos. To Czech: Super Mario World, Super Hry Chlapec a žena, Marie, Yoshi dinosaura. Bowser unese vejce, dinosauři, sedm Kos. Back to English: Super Mario World, Super Game Boy and the woman, Marie, Yoshi the dinosaur. Bowser kidnaps the eggs, dinosaurs, seven Kos. To Malay: Super Mario Dunia, Super Permainan Anak laki-laki dan yang perempuan, Marie, Yoshi dinosaurus. Bowser menculik, telur dinosaurus, tujuh meng-ko. Back to English: Super Mario World, Super Game Boy and the girl, Marie, Yoshi the dinosaur. Bowser kidnapped, dinosaur eggs, seven kos. To Vietnamese: Siêu Mario thế Giới, Siêu trò Chơi chàng Trai và các cô gái, Marie, Yoshi con khủng long. Bowser bắt cóc, con khủng long trứng, bảy ko. Final translation: Super Mario World, Super game Boy and the girl, Marie, Yoshi the dinosaur. Bowser kidnapped, dinosaur eggs, seven. Original text: Many secret exits aid Mario in finding his way to Bowser's castle, completing 74 areas and finding all 96 exits. SpoilerTo Vietnamese: Nhiều bí mật lối thoát cứu Mario trong việc tìm kiếm con đường đến Bowser là lâu đài, hoàn 74 vực này và tìm kiếm tất cả 96 lối ra. Back to English: Many secret exits save Mario in finding his way to Bowser's castle, completing 74 areas and looking for all 96 exits. To Armenian: Բազմաթիվ արդյունքները գաղտնի պահել Մարիո է որոնման ճանապարհին ամրոցը Баузера, լրացնելով 74 շրջանների եւ փնտրում բոլոր 96 արդյունքներին: Back to English: Numerous data privacy Mario search path to the castle of Bowser, completing 74 areas and looking for all 96 exits. To Azerbaijani: Çoxsaylı məlumatları, şəxsi Mario yolu axtarmaq üçün замку Боузера doldurmaqla 74 rayonlar axtarır, bütün 96 nəticələri. Back to English: Numerous data, personal Mario to find a way to Bowser castle, completing 74 areas and looking for all 96 results. To Slovak: Početné údaje, osobné Mario nájsť cestu do hradu Bowser, dokončenie 74 priestory a hľadá všetky 96 výsledky. Back to English: Numerous data, personal Mario find a way to Bowser castle, completing 74 areas and looking for all 96 results. To Bosnian: Brojne podatke, lično Mario naći način da Bowser zamak, cijeli 74-te oblasti i traži svih 96 rezultate. Back to English: Numerous data, personal Mario find a way to Bowser's castle, all 74-the area and looking for all 96 results. To Bulgarian: Множество данни, лични Марио да намери начин да Bowser замъка, всички 74-местността и търсейки всички 96 резултати. Back to English: Numerous data, personal Mario to find a way to Bowser's castle, all 74 of the countryside and searching for all of 96 results. To Catalan: Nombroses dades personals a Mario a trobar una manera de Bowser del castell, tots 74 de la natura i la cerca per a tots els del 96 resultats. Back to English: Numerous personal data to Mario to find a way to Bowser's castle, all 74 of nature and the search for all of the 96 results. To Chinese: 许多个人数据的马里奥要找到鲍泽城堡的所有74的性质和寻求所有有关的96结果。 Back to English: Many personal data Mario to find Bowser's Castle, all 74 of nature and the search for all of the 96 results. To Croatian: Mnogi osobni podaci pronaći Mario Bowser dvorca, sve 74 prirode i traži Sve rezultate 96. Back to English: Many personal data to find Mario Bowser's castle, all 74 of nature and the search All results 96. To Romanian: Multe date personale pentru a găsi Mario Bowser centralizata, toate 74 naturii de căutare și Toate rezultatele de 96. Back to English: A lot of personal data in order to find Mario Bowser's castle, all 74 of the nature of the search and All the results 96. To Danish: En masse personlige data med henblik på at finde Mario Bowser slot, alt 74 af arten af søgningen, og Alle de resultater, 96. Back to English: A lot of personal data in order to find Mario Bowser's castle, a total of 74 of the nature of the search, and All the results, 96. To Lithuanian: Daug asmeninių duomenų, siekiant rasti Mario Naršyklė pilį, iš viso 74 pobūdžio paieška, ir Visi rezultatai, 96. Back to English: A lot of personal data, in order to find Mario Bowser castle, a total of 74 nature of the search, and All the results of the, 96. To Estonian: Palju isiklikke andmeid, et leida Mario Bowser lossi, kokku 74 laadi otsida, ja Kõik tulemused, 96. Back to English: A lot of personal data, in order to find Mario Bowser castle, a total of 74 of the nature of the search, and All the results of the, 96. To Finnish: Paljon henkilökohtaisia tietoja, jotta löytää Mario Bowser linna, yhteensä 74 luonteesta haku, ja Kaikki tulokset, 96. Back to English: A lot of personal information, in order to find Mario Bowser castle, a total of 74 of the nature of the search, and All the results of the, 96. To French: Beaucoup d'informations personnelles, afin de trouver Mario Bowser castle, un total de 74 de la nature de la recherche, et Tous les résultats de l', 96. Back to English: A lot of personal information, in order to find Mario Bowser castle, a total of 74 of the nature of the research, and All the results of the, 96. To Georgian: ბევრი პირადი ინფორმაცია, რათა Mario Bowser ციხე, სულ 74 ბუნების კვლევა, და ყველა შედეგები, 96. Back to English: A lot of personal information, to Mario Bowser Castle, a total of 74 nature of the study, and all results are in, 96. To Indonesian: Banyak informasi pribadi, untuk Mario Bowser Castle, total 74 sifat dari penelitian ini, dan semua hasil yang di, 96. Back to English: A lot of personal information, for Mario Bowser Castle, a total of 74 nature of this research, and all the results are in, 96. To Greek: Πολύ προσωπικές πληροφορίες, για τον Mario Κάστρο Bowser, συνολικά 74 φύση αυτής της έρευνας, και όλα τα αποτελέσματα είναι, 96. Back to English: Very personal information, for Mario Bowser Castle, a total of 74 nature of this research, and all the results are in, 96. To Hebrew: מאוד מידע אישי, מריו Bowser הטירה, סה כ 74 הטבע של מחקר זה, ואת כל התוצאות הן ב -, 96. Back to English: Very personal information, Mario Bowser Castle, a total of 74 nature of this study, and all the results are in, 96. To Hungarian: Nagyon személyes adatokat, Mario Bowser Vár, összesen 74 jellege miatt ez a tanulmány, valamint az összes eredményeit, 96. Back to English: Very personal information, Mario Bowser Castle, a total of 74 due to the nature of this study, and all results of, 96. To Czech: Velmi osobní informace, Mario Bowser Hrad, celkem 74 vzhledem k povaze této studie, a všechny výsledky, 96. Back to English: Very personal information, Mario Bowser's Castle, a total of 74 due to the nature of this study, and all results, 96. To Arabic: جدا معلومات شخصية ماريو العربة قلعة ما مجموعه 74 نظرا لطبيعة هذه الدراسة ، على جميع النتائج 96. Back to English: Very personal information Mario Bowser Castle, a total of 74 due to the nature of this study, all results 96. To Italian: Molto personale informazioni Mario Bowser Castello, per un totale di 74 a causa della natura di questo studio, tutti i risultati 96. Back to English: Very personal information Mario Bowser's Castle, for a total of 74 due to the nature of this study, all the results 96. To Ukranian: Дуже особиста інформація, Маріо Боузер замок, для в загальній складності 74 у зв'язку з характером даного дослідження, Всі результати 96. Back to English: Very personal information, Mario Bowser's castle, for a total of 74 due to the nature of this study, All results 96. To Turkish: Çok kişisel bilgi, Mario Bowser Kalesi, 74 toplam bu çalışma doğası gereği, 96 sonuçlar. Back to English: Very personal information, Mario Bowser's Castle, due to the nature of this study, a total of 74, 96 results. To Thai: กรายละเอียดข้อมูลส่วนตัวนักมาริโอ้ Bowser นแคสเซิลเนื่องจากธรรมชาติของเรียนเป็นทั้งหมดของ 74,96 ผลลัพธ์เดียวกันนั่นแหละ Back to English: Details, personal information, Mario Bowser's castle, because of the nature of school is all of 74,96 results. To Swedish: Information, personlig information, Mario, Bowser ' s slott, som på grund av arten av skolan är alla 74,96 resultat. Back to English: Information, personal information, Mario, Bowser's castle, because of the nature of the school is all 74,96 results. To Belarusian: Інфармацыя, асабістая інфармацыя, Марые, Боузер замак, у сілу характару школы-усе 74,96 вынікі. Back to English: Information, personal information, Mario, Bowser's castle, because of the nature of the school-all 74,96 results. To Norwegian: Informasjon, personlig informasjon, Mario Bowser slottet, på grunn av arten av skole-alle 74,96 resultater. Back to English: Information, personal information, Mario Bowser's castle, because of the nature of the school-all 74,96 results. To German: Informationen, persönliche Informationen, Mario Bowser ' s castle, weil der Charakter der Schule-alle 74,96 Ergebnisse. Back to English: Information, personal information, Mario Bowser's castle, because of the nature of the school-all 74,96 results. To Portuguese: Informações, informações pessoais, Mario do castelo de Bowser, devido à natureza da escola-todos os 74,96 resultados. Back to English: Information, personal information, Mario Bowser's castle, due to the nature of the school-all 74,96 results. To Spanish: Información, información personal, Mario castillo de Bowser, debido a la naturaleza de la escuela-todos los 74,96 resultados. Back to English: Information, personal information, Mario Bowser's castle, due to the nature of the school-all of the 74,96 results. To Polish: Informacje, dane osobowe, Mario Bowser zamek, ze względu na charakter szkoły-wszystkie 74,96 wyniki. Back to English: Information, personal information, Mario Bowser's castle, because of the characteristics of the school-all 74,96 results. To Serbian: Информације, личне информације, Марио Боусер дворац, јер из функције школе-све 74,96 резултате. Back to English: Information, personal information, Mario Bowser castle because of the functions of the school-all 74,96 results. To Latvian: Informācija, personīgā informācija, Mario un Bowser pils, jo funkcijas, skolas-viss 74,96 rezultātus. Back to English: Information, personal information, Mario and Bowser castle, because the functions of the school-all 74,96 results. To Macedonian: Информации, лични податоци, Марио и Bowser замокот, бидејќи функциите на училиштето-сите 74,96 резултати. Back to English: Information, personal data, Mario and Bowser's castle, because the functions of the school-all 74,96 results. To Russian: Информация, персональные данные, Марио и Боузер замок, потому что в функции школы-все 74,96 результаты. Back to English: Information, personal information, Mario and Bowser's castle, because in school functions-all 74,96 results. To Malay: Informasi, informasi pribadi, Mario dan Bowser kastil, karena di sekolah fungsi-semua 74,96 hasil. Back to English: Information, personal information, Mario and Bowser's castle, because at school functions-all 74,96 results. To Albanian: Informacion, informacion personal, Mario dhe Bowser kështjellën, sepse në shkollë funksionet-të gjitha 74,96 rezultatet. Back to English: Information, personal information, Mario and Bowser's castle, because at school functions-all 74,96 results. To Dutch: Informatie, persoonlijke informatie, Mario en Bowser ' s kasteel, omdat op school functies-alle 74,96 resultaten. Back to English: Information, personal information, Mario and Bowser's castle, because at school functions-all 74,96 results. To Slovenian: Podatkov, osebnih podatkov, Mario in Bowser gradu, ker v šoli funkcije-vse 74,96 rezultate. Back to English: Data, personal data, Mario and Bowser's castle, because in school functions-all 74,96 results. To Maltese: L-informazzjoni, id-dejta personali, Mario u Bowser - kastell, minħabba fl-iskola tal-funzjonijiet kollha 74,96-riżultati. Final translation: The information, personal data, Mario and Bowser's castle, because in school all functions 74,96 results. Original text: With multiple layers of 3-D scrolling landscapes, find items including, a feather that gives Mario a cape allowing him to fly. and a flower so he can shoot fireballs. For any Mario fan this game is a must. SpoilerTo Albanian: Me shtresa të shumta të 3-D scrolling peizazheve, të gjeni artikuj të përfshirë, një pendë që i jep Mario një cape duke e lejuar atë të fluturoj. dhe një lule kështu që ai mund të xhiruar fireballs. Për çdo Mario tifoz kjo lojë është një domosdoshmëri. Back to English: With layers of multiple 3-D scrolling landscapes, find items including, a feather that gives Mario a cape allowing him to soar. and a flower so that he can shoot fireballs. For any Mario fan, this game is a must. To Armenian: Հետ շերտերի ից 3-ե ոլորել լանդշաֆտների, գտնել իրեր, այդ թվում, գրիչ, որը հնարավորություն է տալիս Mario թիկնոցից, թույլ տալով նրան парить. եւ ծաղիկ այնպես, որ նա կարող է կրակել огненными шарами. Ցանկացած поклонника Mario, այս խաղը պարտադիր է: Back to English: With strips of 3-d scrolling landscapes to find items, including handle, which allows Mario cloak, allowing him to soar. and the flower so that he can shoot fireballs. Any fan of Mario, this game definitely. To Ukranian: З смужками 3-д прокрутки ландшафтів, щоб знайти елементи, включаючи ручки, яка дозволяє Маріо плащ, дозволяючи йому парити. і квітку так, що він може стріляти вогняними кулями. Будь фанат Маріо, то ця гра виразно. Back to English: With strips 3-d scrolling landscapes to find items, including pens, which allows Mario cloak, allowing him to soar. and the flower so that he can shoot fireballs. Any fan of Mario, this game is definitely. To Belarusian: З палоскамі 3-д пракруткі ландшафтаў, каб знайсці элементы, у тым ліку ручкі, якая дазваляе Марые плашч, дазваляючы яму парыць. і кветка так, што ен можа страляць агністымі шарамі. Любы фанат Марые, то гэтая гульня вызначана. Back to English: With strips 3-d scrolling landscapes to find items, including pens, which allows Mario cloak, allowing him to soar. and the flower so that he can shoot fireballs. Any fan of Mario, this game is definitely. To Bosnian: Sa trake 3-d skrolati pejzaže da pronađemo stvari, uključujući i olovke, koja omogućava Mario plašt, dozvoljavajući mu da rastu. i cvijet, tako da on može pucati sa vatrenim kuglama. Svaki obožavatelj Mario, ova igra je definitivno. Back to English: With the tapes of the 3-d scrolling landscapes to find things, including pens, which allows Mario cloak, allowing him to grow. and the flower, so that he can shoot fireballs. Every fan of Mario, this game is definitely. To Bulgarian: С лента на механизма на 3-D пейзажи превъртане, за да намерите неща, включително и за химикалки, която позволява на Марио наметало, което му позволява да расте. и цвете, така че той може да стреля огнени топки. Всеки фен на Марио, тогава тази игра е определено. Back to English: From the tape of the 3-D landscapes of scrolling to find things, including for the handle, which allows Mario cloak, allowing it to grow. and the flower, so that he can shoot fireballs. Every fan of Mario, this game is definitely. To Catalan: De la cinta de la 3-D paisatges de desplaçament per trobar les coses, incloent-hi el mànec, que permet Mario mantell, fent-lo créixer. i la flor, de manera que es pot disparar boles de foc. Cada fan de Mario, aquest joc és definitivament. Back to English: The tape of the 3-D landscapes of scrolling to find the things, including the handle, which allows Mario manto, making it grow. and the flower, so that they can shoot balls of fire. Every fan of Mario, this game is definitely. To Turkish: 3-D şeyler de dahil olmak üzere, bulmak için kaydırma manzara kaseti Mario manto sağlayan, büyümeye yapma kolu. ve çiçeği, ateş topları ateş edebilirsiniz. Mario, bu oyunu her fan kesinlikle. Back to English: 3-D mantle making things grow, including providing landscape scroll to find Mario cassette handle. and flower, you can shoot fire balls. Mario, every fan of this game, definitely. To Swedish: 3-D mantel att göra saker och ting växa, bland annat genom landskapet bläddra för att hitta Mario kassettens handtag. och blomma, du kan skjuta eld bollar. Mario, varje fan av detta spel, definitivt. Back to English: 3-D mantle to make things grow, including through the landscape browse to find the Mario cartridge handle. and flower, you can shoot fire balls. Mario, every fan of this game, definitely. To Romanian: 3-d manta, pentru a face lucrurile să crească, inclusiv printr-un peisaj de revizuire, pentru a găsi Mario cartușul de toner de mâner. și o floare, puteți trage mingi de foc. Mario, fiecare fan al acestui joc, cu siguranță. Back to English: 3-d mantle to make things grow, including through the landscape, browse in order to find Mario the toner cartridge handle. and the flower, you can shoot fireballs. Mario, every fan of this game, definitely. To Polish: 3-d płaszcza, aby rzeczy się rozwijać, w tym poprzez krajobraz, przeglądaj, aby znaleźć Mario kasetę z tonerem za uchwyt. i kwiat, można strzelać ognistymi kulami. Mario, każdy fan tej gry, na pewno. Back to English: 3-d shell to make things grow, including through landscape, browse to find Mario toner cartridge by the handle. and the flower, you can shoot fireballs. Mario, every fan of this game, of course. To Dutch: De 3-d-schil om dingen te laten groeien, onder meer door het landschap, op zoek Mario tonercartridge door de hendel. en de bloem, kunt schieten vuurballen. Mario, elke fan van dit spel, natuurlijk. Back to English: The 3-d shell to make things grow, including through the landscape, looking Mario toner cartridge by the handle. and the flower, you can shoot fireballs. Mario, any fan of this game, of course. To Maltese: 3 d-qoxra tal-kapsula li tagħmel l-aarijiet jikbru, inkluż permezz tal-pajsaġġ, meta wieħed iħares Mario toner-iskartoċċ mill-manku. u l-fjura, tista ' jiġbdu fireballs. Mario, kull fan ta'dan il-logħba, tal-kors. Back to English: 3 d shell to make things grow, including through the landscape, looking Mario toner cartridge by the handle. and the flower, you can shoot fireballs. Mario, any fan of this game, of course. To Finnish: 3 d-shell tehdä asioita kasvaa, muun muassa maiseman, etsivät Mario väriainekasetin kahvasta. ja kukka, voit ampua tulipalloja. Mario, jokainen fani, tämä peli, tietenkin. Back to English: 3 d-shell to make things grow, including the landscape, looking for Mario the toner cartridge by the handle. and the flower, you can shoot fireballs. Mario, every fan of this game, of course. To French: 3 d-shell pour faire croître les choses, y compris le paysage, à la recherche de Mario la cartouche de toner par la poignée. et la fleur, vous pouvez tirer des boules de feu. Mario, tous les fans de ce jeu, bien sûr. Back to English: 3, d-shell to make things grow, including the landscape, in search of Mario the toner cartridge by the handle. and the flower, you can shoot balls of fire. Mario, all the fans of this game, of course. To Georgian: 3, d-shell, რათა რამ იზრდება, მათ შორის, ლანდშაფტის, ძიება Mario ტონერის ვაზნა მიერ სახელური. და flower, შეგიძლიათ სროლა ბურთები ცეცხლის. Mario, ყველა გულშემატკივარი ამ თამაშის,, რა თქმა უნდა. Back to English: 3, d-shell, to make things grow, including the landscape, search for Mario toner cartridge by the handle. And flower, you can shoot balls of fire. Mario, all the fans of this game, of course. To Malay: 3, d-shell, untuk membuat sesuatu tumbuh, termasuk pemandangan, mencari Mario toner cartridge dengan yang menangani. Dan bunga, anda bisa menembak bola api. Mario, semua penggemar dari permainan ini, tentu saja. Back to English: 3, d-shell, to make things grow, including the sights, looking for Mario toner cartridge with the handle. And flowers, you can shoot a ball of fire. Mario, all fans of this game, of course. To Greek: 3, d-shell, για να κάνει τα πράγματα μεγαλώνουν, συμπεριλαμβανομένων αξιοθέατα, ψάχνει για Mario κασέτα τόνερ με τη λαβή. Και λουλούδια, μπορείτε να τραβήξετε μια μπάλα φωτιάς. Mario, όλους τους λάτρεις της αυτό το παιχνίδι, φυσικά. Back to English: 3, d-shell, to make things grow, including attractions, looking for Mario toner cartridge with the handle. And flowers, you can shoot a ball of fire. Mario, all lovers of this game, of course. To Macedonian: 3, d-школка, за да се направат работите расте, вклучувајќи атракции, во потрага по Марио тонер кертриџ со рачка. И цвеќиња, можете да снимате на топката на оган. Марио, на сите љубители на оваа игра, се разбира. Back to English: 3, d-shell, to make things grow, including attractions, looking for Mario toner cartridge with the handle. And flowers, you can shoot a ball of fire. Mario, of all the lovers of this game, of course. To Lithuanian: 3, d-shell, kad viskas auga, įskaitant lankytinų vietų, ieško Mario tonerio kasetė su rankena. Ir gėlės, jūs galite šaudyti kamuolį ugnies. Mario, visi mėgėjams šio žaidimo, žinoma. Back to English: 3, d-shell, that everything is growing, including attractions, looking for Mario toner cartridge with the handle. And flowers, you can shoot a ball of fire. Mario, for all lovers of this game, of course. To Arabic: 3, d-shell أن كل شيء ينمو ، بما في ذلك مناطق الجذب تبحث عن ماريو خرطوشة الحبر مع مقبض. والزهور يمكنك تبادل لاطلاق النار كرة من النار. ماريو لجميع عشاق هذه اللعبة, بالطبع. Back to English: 3, d-shell, that everything is growing, including attractions, looking for Mario ink cartridge with the handle. Flowers you can shoot a ball of fire. Mario for all the fans of this game, of course. To Italian: 3, d-shell, che tutto è in crescita, tra attrazioni, cercando di Mario cartuccia di inchiostro con la maniglia. I fiori si può sparare una palla di fuoco. Mario per tutti gli appassionati di questo gioco, naturalmente. Back to English: 3, d-shell, everything is growing, including attractions, looking for Mario ink cartridge with the handle. The flowers can shoot a ball of fire. Mario for all the fans of this game, of course. To Russian: 3, д-раковины, все растет, в том числе достопримечательностей, ищет Марио картриджа с ручкой. Цветы могут стрелять огненным шаром. Марио для всех поклонников этой игры, конечно же. Back to English: 3, d-shell, everything grows, including attractions, looking for Mario cartridge with handle. Flowers can shoot a ball of fire. Mario for all fans of this game, of course. To Indonesian: 3, d-shell, segala sesuatu tumbuh, termasuk atraksi, mencari Mario kartrid dengan menangani. Bunga bisa menembak bola api. Mario untuk semua penggemar dari permainan ini, tentu saja. Back to English: 3, d-shell, everything grows, including attractions, find Mario the cartridge with the handle. Flowers can shoot a ball of fire. Mario for all the fans of this game, of course. To Azerbaijani: 3, ev-sink, bütün artır, o cümlədən yerləri tapmaq Mario patron ilə qələmlə. Gül atəş aça bilərlər огненным top. Mario bütün azarkeşləri üçün bu oyunlar əlbəttə ki. Back to English: 3 building-zinc, everything grows, including places to find Mario cartridge with handle. Flowers can shoot a fire ball. Mario for all fans of this game, of course. To Chinese: 3建设锌的一切,包括地方可以找到马里奥弹和处理。 花就能开枪打了一个火球。 马里奥的所有粉丝这个游戏的,当然。 Back to English: 3 Building zinc everything, including places to find Mario bomb and processing. Flowers can shoot a ball of fire. Mario all fans of this game, of course. To German: 3 Gebäude Zink alles, einschließlich der Orte zu finden, Mario bomb und Verarbeitung. Blumen Schießen kann, ein ball aus Feuer. Mario alle fans von diesem Spiel, natürlich. Back to English: 3 building zinc everything, including places to find Mario bomb and processing. Flowers can shoot a ball of fire. Mario all fans of this game, of course. To Thai: 3 ตึกซัลเฟตสังกะสีกับทุกอย่างรวมทั้งเรื่องที่จะพบมาริโอ้ระเบิดและการประมวลผลได้ ดอกไม้สามารถยิงลูกบอลของพระเพลิง มาริโอ้ทุกแฟนคลับของเกมส์นี้แน่นอน Back to English: 3 building zinc everything, including to meet Mario bomb and processing. flowers can shoot a ball of fire. Mario all fans of this game of course. To Norwegian: 3 bygning sink alt, inkludert å møte Mario bombe og behandling. blomster kan skyte en ball av ild. Mario alle fans av dette spillet, selvfølgelig. Back to English: 3 building sink everything, including to meet Mario bomb and the treatment. flowers can shoot a ball of fire. Mario all fans of this game, of course. To Danish: 3 bygning vask alt, herunder til at opfylde Mario bomb og behandling. blomster kan skyde en kugle af ild. Mario alle fans af dette spil, naturligvis. Back to English: 3 building wash everything, including to meet Mario bomb and treatment. flowers can shoot a ball of fire. Mario all fans of this game, of course. To Croatian: 3 zgrada opere sve, uključujući i susret Mario bomba i liječenje. cvijeće može pucati vatrenom loptom. Mario svi ljubitelji ove igre, naravno. Back to English: 3 Opera all, including to meet Mario bomb and treatment. flowers can shoot a ball of fire. Mario all fans of this game, of course. To Spanish: 3 de la Ópera de todos, incluyendo la de satisfacer Mario de la bomba y el tratamiento. las flores pueden disparar una bola de fuego. Mario de todos los fans de este juego, por supuesto. Back to English: 3 of the Opera all, including to meet Mario of the pump and the treatment. the flowers can shoot a ball of fire. Mario all fans of this game, of course. To Latvian: 3. Opera, tostarp, lai apmierinātu Mario sūkņa un ārstēšanu. ziedus var mest bumbu no uguns. Mario visi fani šo spēli, protams. Back to English: 3. Opera, including to meet Mario the pump and treatment. flowers can shoot the ball from the fire. Mario all fans of this game, of course. To Serbian: 3. Опере, укључујући да задовољи Марио пумпе и лечење. цвеће може да пуца лопту од пожара. Марио сви љубитељи ове игре, наравно. Back to English: 3. Opera, including to meet Mario pumps and treatment. flowers can shoot a fireball. Mario all fans of this game, of course. To Slovenian: 3. Opera, vključno s tem, da izpolnjujejo Mario črpalke in zdravljenje. cvetje lahko ustrelil meteor. Mario vse ljubitelje te igre, seveda. Back to English: 3. The Opera, including to meet Mario pumps and treatment. flowers can shoot a fireball. Mario all fans of this game, of course. To Estonian: 3. Ooper, sealhulgas täita Mario pumbad ja ravi. lilled võib tulistada tulekera. Mario kõik fännid seda mängu, muidugi. Back to English: 3. The opera, including the complete Mario pumps and treatment. the flowers can shoot a fireball. Mario all the fans of this game, of course. To Portuguese: 3. O opera, incluindo a de concluir Mario bombas e tratamento. as flores podem atirar uma bola de fogo. Mario de todos os fãs deste jogo, é claro. Back to English: 3. The opera, including the complete Mario pumps and treatment. the flowers can shoot a ball of fire. Mario all the fans of this game, of course. To Slovak: 3. Opera, vrátane úplné Mario čerpadlá a liečbu. kvety môžete strieľať loptu požiaru. Mario všetkých fanúšikov tejto hry, samozrejme. Back to English: 3. Opera, including full Mario pumps and treatment. flowers you can shoot a ball of fire. Mario all the fans of this game, of course. To Hebrew: 3. אופרה, כולל מלא מריו משאבות וטיפול. פרחים אתה יכול לירות כדור אש. מריו כל האוהדים של המשחק הזה, כמובן. Back to English: 3. Opera, including full Mario pumps and treatment. Flowers you can shoot a ball of fire. Mario all fans of this game, of course. To Czech: 3. Opera, včetně plné Mario čerpadla a léčby. Květiny můžete střílet koule ohně. Mario všechny fanoušky této hry, samozřejmě. Back to English: 3. The Opera, including the full Mario pumps and treatment. Flowers you can shoot a ball of fire. Mario all the fans of this game, of course. To Hungarian: 3. Az Opera, beleértve a teljes Mario szivattyúk, a kezelés. Virágok tudod lőni a labdát a tűz. Mario minden a rajongók a játék, persze. Back to English: 3. The Opera, including the full Mario pumps, the treatment. Flowers you can shoot a ball of fire. Mario all the fans of the game, of course. To Vietnamese: 3. Rạp Hát, kể cả người đầy Mario máy bơm, việc trị liệu. Hoa anh có thể bắn một quả cầu lửa. Mario tất cả những người hâm mộ của trò chơi, tất nhiên. Final translation: 3. Theatre, including the full Mario the pump, the treatment. Flowers you can shoot a ball of fire. Mario all fans of the game, of course. I find this a fascinating way to procrastinate. Here's the website. I'm curious to see what other people come up with. Quote
SentaiBrad Posted May 21, 2015 Posted May 21, 2015 Yea translators are either too literal or the language you're translating in to doesn't have the same phrases or words and then when you translate it back the literal translation finds its way back in because we do have words to describe a lot of stuff. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mRLreV7uVy0 I love this video. Takes this song from a Disney movie I loved and... its hilarious. I watched all of the other Google Translate Songs on this channel. xD Edit: The words on the top are the original lyrics. Quote
Hippyshake Posted May 21, 2015 Author Posted May 21, 2015 Thanks, that's great stuff right there! What I find so intriguing is the journey, not the destination. You can see how, for example, "You're the saddest bunch I ever met" became "You are a depressed banana I met." Here's another: Original text: LaunchBox finally gives me a way to see everything that I own already, so that I'm not making the same purchase on multiple platforms anymore. Use the free version, fall in love, and then show your support by grabbing the lifetime license. What came out is poetry. Sheer, beautiful poetry. The lunch box gave me the opportunity to see you there, I want to buy this platform. If you are using the version of demonstration that we love each other and support them, to show, to capture a lifetime on the surface. *sniff* Quote
SentaiBrad Posted May 21, 2015 Posted May 21, 2015 Hippyshake said Thanks, that's great stuff right there! What I find so intriguing is the journey, not the destination. You can see how, for example, "You're the saddest bunch I ever met" became "You are a depressed banana I met." Here's another: Original text: LaunchBox finally gives me a way to see everything that I own already, so that I'm not making the same purchase on multiple platforms anymore. Use the free version, fall in love, and then show your support by grabbing the lifetime license. What came out is poetry. Sheer, beautiful poetry. The lunch box gave me the opportunity to see you there, I want to buy this platform. If you are using the version of demonstration that we love each other and support them, to show, to capture a lifetime on the surface. *sniff* Yea, translators are one of the funniest unintentional things of all time. Quote
Hippyshake Posted May 21, 2015 Author Posted May 21, 2015 SentaiBrad said Yea, translators are one of the funniest unintentional things of all time. And, yet, still pretty impressive that they even come as close as they do. Thanks for that "Google Translate Sings" link, too. I'm liking the "Wrecking Ball" parody; it isn't anything special, but the payoff in the chorus is huge. =D https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zS-Gi5Z5zik Quote
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