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As I am trying LB out I am setting up my MAME roms. I use mame64 with merged roms. Using Pac-Man as an example, the rom for this would be inside puckman.zip. In fact any clone of puckman is in there. This saves disk space and makes it simple to run without the need for rom paths. Just "mame64 pacman -skip_gameinfo -nowindow" and off it goes. Using the suggested method of adding roms I need to select the emulator that has command line parameters and adds the rom+path as a default. This prevents me from running pac-man and the other clones from the same rom file. I thought maybe I could use the custom command line paramters option to overwrite this, but it does not seem to be working. The work around is adding "mame64" as an arcade game without emulation and then adding the rom I want to run as a command line parameter. Then I change the name at the top of the window and search for the game in the DB. It is a pain in that it takes longer to add than the suggested method. Otherwise everything is running great and I am loving what all it does. Thanks for your hard work.
Alright, thanks for the quick reply. Edit - nevermind, I answered my own question. I threw together a little app that generates game data for the xml file based on the rom name. It saves a step until the next version. Thanks again for your help.

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