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so im new to launch box..love it big box love it! so here is my issue. i was loading my super Nintendo roms in and for some reason i had set my snes roms to use something other than retro-arch. i realized my error and deleted my old emulator and downloaded the newest retro-arch build and set it up. after deleting my old emulator from the list in launch box everyone of my snes roms have no emulator assigned to them anymore. is there a way to when you change emulators launch box somehow knows and assigns the new emulator to each game? cuz right now it looks like i might have to go edit every game and reassign the emulator to use in launch box. i click on each title and click edit and then go in to emulation tab and assign the emulator to use.. or would it be better to just remove the whole list some how and reload them in and assign the correct emulator to use from the beginning and there is no issue? thanks again! have a blessed day... steve.. :)
jeremy0203 said ctrl-a to select all the games and you can right click and edit. Will let you do a bulk edit in which you can choose emulator as one of the options to change.
wow that was soo easy and quick. im almost embarrased for asking thatnk you soo much! steve...

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