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Problems with Mame - zipped ROMs


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Hi Everyone, I'm trying to get Launchbox 6.2 working on my Windows 7 64bit machine but running into a problem when launching zipped roms with Mame. I'm using mameui64 0.157 and my game roms and bios files are all in .zip format, and they're all in the same "roms" folder - no subfolders. Also, the user name on my PC is mame - so the user directory in the pictures below is c:\users\mame. I've spent some time looking through the forums and based on some other post, I have the "extract rom archives before running" checked and the proper rom path is set in the mame.ini file. When I try to launch a game (1941 in this case) I get the following message: 'Unknown System 'C:\Users\mame\launchbox\7-zip\Temp\yi24b.1a' error1.jpg when I click ok I get this: "C:\Users\mame\launchbox\7-zip\Temp\yi24b.1a" approximately matches the following supported games (best match first): error2.jpg After that a string of names of games I've never heard of pop up: error3.jpgerror4.jpgerror5.jpg When I run Mame by itself or through hyperspin the games run fine. Hopefully someone out there can help. Thanks, Charlie
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When I uncheck the "extract rom archives before running" checkbox, I get this error: error12.jpg Again - these games run fine when I launch them with the Mame GUI or through Hyperspin - so I know that the ROM set works with the version of Mame that I have.
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That's saying that files in the set of files for the game you are trying to play are missing. Are you using the same install of MAMEUI in LaunchBox? Also, when importing for LaunchBox we have it parse out a newer version of MAME, so it may be importing improperly, potentially.
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>>>Are you using the same install of MAMEUI in LaunchBox? yes - there's only one instance of Mameui on my machine and that's the one I set up in Launchbox. >>>Also, when importing for LaunchBox we have it parse out a newer version of MAME, so it may be importing improperly, potentially. So how can I fix that? a newer version of Mame?
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A newer version of the games and MAME. With MAME it's very picky about what files you have, just grabbing 1 file for a game doesn't always work. The best thing to grab is a MAME Split set, and the latest version is .175. So a MAME Split 175 set and MAME .175b or MAMEUI .175b.
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  • 4 months later...
On 7/9/2016 at 3:52 AM, paxwo13 said:

: error12.jpg



i've been having this same problem .. although, it all works on one computer. i'm using the newest mameui64 emulator and on my current pc all the roms i have load just fine through launchbox - however, i downloaded launchbox on another pc, transferred my roms over and installed the same version of mameui64 and i keep getting this same error as above. mameui isn't the problem, launchbox is. i can load the games in mameui without an issue. i've imported my roms the exact same way i do on my other PC which works, but for some reason it's just not working on my other pc...


the only way i've gotten the roms to work is by putting them in mameui64's roms folder, then they'll load up from launchbox fine, but i don't have to do that on the other PC.. which i find strange.


any thoughts?

Edited by dbalkz
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If you don't have to do that on the other machine, then you told MAMEUI where to look for the roms. The roms MUST go in to the MAME Roms folder, unless you tell it to look somewhere else. MAME must know where all of your roms are or it will not work. The reason being, is because while you are telling it to load a single rom file, it automatically looks for parent and child roms, and BIOS files. So if you tell it to load a single file, and it can't find parent rom files or BIOS, it will not work. That is exactly what that error message is saying (the one you quoted). So if you want your MAME roms in a different location, they ALL need to be in the same folder, and you need to edit your MAME ini (or in the settings), to tell it where they are located it. Otherwise, leave them in the roms folder (the default location it is automatically looking).

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  • 5 months later...

hmmm, i'm having the same issues too. 

I've installed mame 0.184 and have a full 0.184  non-merged romset getting the same two errors as above. 

After getting the same errors as dbalkz jsut above, I've edited my mame.ini rompath to the correct directory, made sure the box to unzip teh ROM file is unchecked, and now get the error message as the OP in his first post. 

Any ideas of where I went wrong?


P.S. I think I see my problem. I grabbed a non-merged set instead of a split set. Am DL'ing a split set and while i'm at it, going for the new .185 set. We'll see if that makes a difference.

Edited by alexis524
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Actually, split and non-merged work great. Ever since they added the non-merged, split has been giving me issues and non-merged is the only thing I download. So I'm gonna bet that makes zero difference, and potentially add smaller issues. This thread is a bit older, but the idea is still the same. You grab MAME .185, grab a MAME .185 split or non-merged rom set, put that in the MAME/roms folder, import that folder with LaunchBox (calling the emulator MAME automatically makes the MAME importer run), and you give it your regions. You may be trying to play a game that is missing a CHD file, in which case you'll also needs to download a CHD pack. In that pack is a gigantic list of folders, drop all those folders in to your MAME/roms folder as well.

It's a bit older, so some things have changed around a bit, but the same basic idea is there. Also, replace the old version numbers with the recent version numbers:


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thanks Brad. My MAME folder with the .exe is in a separate location from the ROMS. I did edit the mame.ini and pointed it to the correct ROM folder. Is there anywhere else I need to change the ROM path?

I may as well grab the updated mameui while im at it. If i want to import all over again, how would I do so without having to scrape media all over again?

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So, I would avoid MAMEUI, I tried to use it the other day for something specific and it was an utter pain. It doesn't really offer much unless you need the specific audit feature.

As for importing, just delete your MAME collection, select the import process, and when it asks you what media you want to download press the uncheck all buttons. This will do the import process like normal, but not download anything. You can then later re-run the process to update a platforms metadata and media post import. It's important to not uncheck the LaunchBox Games Database check box. If you uncheck that, sure all of your games will have their media still, but it will create headaches later as nothing will be attached to the database. So only uncheck the media boxes.

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