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launchbox and existing dosbox games


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Hi Launchbox sounds great, but as i understand, it does dosbox emulation itself yes? I have alot of dosgames, which i have set up most with dosbox, so how does launchbox then fit here - do i need to reconfigure it all through Launchbox emulation? Some games i have bought and set up myself, have dosbox already built into their folders - eg Gog.com games and some sellers on ebay provide this feature on old games they sell also

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No, LaunchBox does not emulate anything at all. Every emulator and game needs to be supplied except for DOSBox and ScummVM as we just distribute those with LaunchBox, so nothing needs to be changed. It's a bit of an older tutorial as it was one of the first ones I did for the channel, but it will still answer a lot of questions you may have. You do seem versed in DOSBox, so you can skip the explanation portions if you'd like. GOG games would get imported like a Windows Game would as that is essentially what it is. There are tons of other tutorials on the channel to that I would suggest you watch for a few systems you are interested in. You can get there by clicking tutorials at the top. If you have any questions, feel free to ask.


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thanks, i will have to watch that video - i was hoping to avoid having to do that as i always find it easier to just read generally what i can and cant do and then i figure it out. A good example of what i am thinking of, is say, for example. I have a cdrom of M1 Tank Platoon 1 and normally i would just open dosbox and install through that to a games folder, acting as the c drive - what i am keen to know is how i take this process now to launchbox

-also, does launchbox do apple2e, c64 and amiga too?

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LaunchBox will do what ever you want it to, LaunchBox is not an emulator what so ever but a facilitator between programs (even more than just emulators). I have Apple and C64 tutorials up on the channel as well. You can install DOS games any way you want to, with LaunchBox's help, without it, find them on the internet, how ever it is you want to deal with it. Point LaunchBox to your DOS games, and it will scan for the most likely exe or bat candidate, and import them in to LaunchBox, 1 per folder. It will then take the folder name and assign it that. For example, I have the entire eXoDOS collection, I told LaunchBox to look at my ../Emulators/DOS/Games/ folder, it found 1 file per folder and imported them with the folder names for game names. Sometimes I might have to edit the entry and point it towards a different bat or exe (It honestly just guesses), but once they're imported it's really simple to deal with and a very easy thing to choose another exe. Some of these games have custom .conf files, which I can also specify when editing a game, but generally speaking a good master file has worked well for me. I even replaced the DOSBox install in the LB folder with a DOSBox Daum install as I generally prefer that over default. I couldn't get DOSBox-x to work though.

I would honestly suggest you watch the tutorials, especially the beginner SNES tutorial as it also assumes that the user is new to LaunchBox so that you can learn some of the intricacies. The video tutorials we found to be extremely effective and less time consuming as it easily shows users what to do. I would be more than happy to answer any of your questions though, if you have any more.

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You don't need to move any of your games anywhere if you don't want to. So just in case, Tools -> Import -> MS-DOS Games -> Add folder. The I would point it towards this file path: grfkWWV.png

After that it should do it's thing. Did you import any of your games previously? Unless the import process is broken, which it shouldn't be, the only time LaunchBox refuses to import something is if you already have it imported.

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okay i didnt see that import option -

i just attempt to install m1 tank platoon via Launchbox but it didnt work due to the cd i have of m1tp being some classic games bundle disk which has hte game in an obscure folder and also it was just created as a "run from the disk" cd (very annoying) and so lacks the install for the game

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