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New Theme - Had Questions Re: Bindings


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  1. Is it possible to remove the headings of "Recent" and "Favorites" for TopBoxesView and BottomBoxesView, respectively.
  2. Can each image returned from the above bindings have a max height / width? By default I believe it's by percentage as some are significantly larger than others. 
  3. Are the controls changeable? I very much doubt it.
    • When I use a horizontal coverflow and I press down to go to the Recently Added list, I'd like to use left and right to navigate the list rather than change the platform. As it is right now, I have to use up and down arrows to navigate the recent list even though it's displayed horizontally.
  4.  Anyone notice quality degradation using ReignStumble Console Artwork in CoverFlows? I've tried changing the CoverFlow quality, refreshing cache, and closing BigBox with no luck. 
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