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Been trying to sort out the multiple same name games using all the same artwork for a while but not having luck.  

Best example I can use is Commodore 64 platform has more then five games titled "Alien" of which all are from different publishers.  I have filed each game as example "Alien [Angus Press].zip", "Alien [HP Books].zip" etc as obviously windows explorer can't have same file names.  My issue is I also have taken the same approach for my artwork for the same windows problem and keeps good track of which art is for which game.

My problem is that when Launchbox adds the games it has the ability to have same game names in the platform list but it also adds all "Alien" artwork to all "Alien" titles listed in that platform due to it ignoring the [ ] or () around the (in this case) publishers name.  I have gone into edit and remove the incorrect art work from the game but upon pressing close the wrong artwork returns again.  Simply put I have five "Alien" screenshots from all other games with the same name that shouldn't be there.

Is there any other way to get around this short of having the game title listed in Launchbox as "Alien - Anges Press" which removes the problem of the publisher name being inside the brackets?    Any help would be great.



If you name the artwork after the rom file name and not the name of the game, that will still work too. Media will attach to the name of the game in LB or the rom file name as well.


I usually use the "Region" metadata option to get around this sort of thing, because it's the only method which has reliably worked for me. In your case I would set the region to "Angus Press", for example, and move all of the appropriate pictures into the automatically generated folder.

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