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Posted (edited)

I have been setting up launchbox / bigbox on my main PC.  Everything seems to be working well.  I now want to migrate it off my pc and over to my htpc box that is hooked up to the tv.  I copied all the files over.  Launchbox ran, but bigbox wouldnt as it was saying it was missing some directx stuff and to run the setup.  I ran the setup and it ended up wiping out all my settings.  I then copied the Data folder back over as well as the License.xml file.  Now when I try to start up bigbox when the computer first starts up, it tells me that it is only available as a premium option and asks me if i want to learn more.   If I click no, plug in an internet connection, wait for the pc to get a connection, and then start bigbox back up, it will run just fine. 

My questions is, does Big Box need an internet connection to run?  Once I have everything migrated over, I  will be keeping my gaming box off the network.  This way I can run it bare bones with all the windows updates, antivirus, and everything else turned off.   It will be stand alone, not even on my local network. 


Edited by greengeek
Posted (edited)

I take that back, it looks like it is not working half the time even with internet.  Could the files copied from the other computer's install be causing conflicts on it not being able to find the license.xml file on the other?  The files are the same on both computers, other my pc its on the d: drive for testing, while on the htpc I have it on the c: drive.

Edited by greengeek

BigBox does not need an internet connection to work at all.

It is possible that copying over files won't work especially if your emulators and rom paths are not correct. Are you storing your emulators and roms locally on the HTPC ? Or are you running them off of a network drive ?

Posted (edited)

I havent even tested the emulators on the htpc yet.  On my main pc, everything is stored as d:\LaunchBox with the default folder structure. The emulators run there just fine.  The emulators are all in d:\LaunchBox\Emulators, games are in the d:\LaunchBox\Games folder, etc.  Everything is running locally.  On my htpc they are all on the main local drive as well.  Only difference is they are in the folder c:\test\LaunchBox  Nothing is being ran off the network. 

Edited by greengeek

Ok well you could just setup everything on your main PC and if your emulators and roms are stored somewhere within a sub folder of the Launchbox install folder you can then just copy that Launchbox folder over to your HPTC. It will work as long as you have the pre-requisite Visual C++ and .NET files installed on the HPTC.

Posted (edited)

That is what I was trying to do originally, but then I had to run the setup to get the .net stuff and I think it must of  made changes to stuff within the LaunchBox folders.  But yeah, I guess now that the pre-reqs are there, I could delete that folder and start a new copy without having to run the setup this time.  I am just dreading copying all those files over again.  Guess I will start the copying and find out in 8 hours. 

Edited by greengeek

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