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Hi All,

Today I realized ETA Prime has his own Youtube channel and holy crap my mind is blown. I made a Mortal Kombat II Mame cabinet about 7 years ago using an old PC and Maximus Arcade. Today I'm building a wall mounted arcade from scratch using Big Box but still using an old, heavy PC. It works great but after the revelation that single board computers with a little modification can rival and even surpass an old Craigslist computer, my next build has to be with a SBC.

Does anyone out there know of good options for SBC that can run Big Box? I'd like something that can run up to the N64/PSX generation consoles at full speed.


Hey brenavich980,

The best board I found for Big Box is the Up Board 2 but a new board called the Latte Panda Alpha will be released in few months and it will run ps2 and Gamecube at full speed. 


Nice. Will check it out.

 I also ran into your video on the Optiplex 3010. My new build is using a Compaq Pro 6300 Microtower with almost identical specs and a MSI GT 710 2GB DDR3. So far I've got up to the PSX up and running. Do you think that setup can make it to 60fps on Gamecube or am I about close to my limits hardware wise?


I figured as much. Tried Gamecube and Dreamcast emulation. They were not playable. My build was never intended to run these kinds of systems but it sure is addicting to see how far you can push your build!

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