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retroarch wont pick up snes games threw launchbox


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3 minutes ago, NukkaMan said:

that did fix it thank you, but why was there a _next within the command line?

Those are just defaults and can be changed to anything you like, what is there is not always the best choice, I don't use snes9x as there are better snes cores, but they need more powerful hardware. As for snes9x_next its a old core that was discontinued, so you needed to edit it to the actual core you wanted to use.

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Launchbox supports everything, it doesn't care what the emulator or retroarch core it is, it just loads what you tell it to. The most accurate so therefore best in my eyes snes cores are the bsnes and higan cores, but they need a good newish cpu, around about a i5 at 3.2ghz or so, snes9x is fine and will run on lower powered hardware, but is less accurate. I personally use higan which is the most accurate and needs the most horsepower, I have a i5 3570k overclocked to 4.2ghz and it works well.

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1 minute ago, NukkaMan said:

im sure im good when it comes to  a cpu i have a I5 4690k overclocked too 4.6ghz

Yep, better than what I have, try the higan core then, just go to that associated platform tab and delete snes9x and replace it with higan_sfc to switch to that core, after downloading it of course.

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lol yeah if its grabbing images and videos it will take some time. "Best" emulators or retroarch cores are subjective, but I always strive for the most accurate ones I can get. Except when using other hardware like my 8inch windows tablet or a raspberry pi, in which case I use whatever runs the best, but those are very different things speed and accuracy, of course the ideal is to have both, and with those specs you can, so why not?

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