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looking for a arcade frontend that is ready to use with 8 buttons arcade stick 

i have been trying allof of emulators and frondends they all work but cant change controlls or controls wont work 

or allot of errors etc etc just way to complex looking for someting thats is plug and play 

tried pi for pc /forgotten world /mame/mame32 < options is locked !/hyperspin /maximus arcade/

mame64/and couple more all promise its easy to use etc etc but its not true !

i tried this on duocore pc win 7 32/64 bit home ultimate with all the updates 

win 10 same thing games wont load 

so the last one is launchbox after that iam done they all promise easy to use and setup but its not true 

so can i play arcade games with this emulator and how do i make it like hyperspin wheel art etc ?


<can i pay some one to do this for me i live in the netherlands >


We have all sorts of tutorials and information here on the forums and the Youtube channel to help you get everything setup and running. You could pay someone to do everything for you but we highly recommend against that. Buying a predone setup with emulators and roms is illegal and if you learn to do it yourself you will know how to troubleshoot and fix any issues that will occur. This is just the nature of emulation, there will always be some work the end user will have to do for themselves.



i want to give it a chance so i downloaded launchbox and this Launchbox No Intro HBMAME.7z < because i like the way it looks but it has no file or info 

on how to install this and been looking allot on youtube etc but i cant figure it out so i dont know what to do next :) 


I would suggest starting with a simple system and emulator at first to get used to how things work. Something simple like the NES or SNES would be a great starting place and there are video tutorials on the Youtube channel.

Here is an SNES one that ETA Prime did using the Snes9x emulator that is meant for beginners and walks you through everything needed. There are a lot more tutorials that cover most systems and other emulators as well.


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