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i recently start the configuration of launchbox... its a project to put inside of cabinet ... 
already installl almost of systems and games... but have some questions.. 

one of is: i install "the bezel project" and works perfectly.. even with arcade games i separated in cps1,2,3 but ask to scrape in arcade.... 

but having some problems with others systems... like NAOMI, NEOGEO.. (even ask to scrape in arcade).. the bezels just wont appears.. 

so looking the folders, i see inside of retroarch/overlay/arcadebezels.. and consoles bezels...

so i try to create folder with name of systems (ex: naomi, ...) and put some bezels with CFG inside... praying to the system sacan automatcly :) auheuhae.. but like i was waiting.. didnt happen.. so i try to install bezels inside of retroarch.. (1by1 games).. but the problem is.. i put the bezel in game, but when i turn off the retroarch.. the bezel goes to... :/ so i ask.. how can i edit (some file) to scan the folder (naomi roms/naomi bezels, with same name on roms), orrr if i cant do that, how can i install 1by1 :/



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