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Posted (edited)

Setting up a new PC and everything was working great (beat Yoshi's Island in Retroarch) until i installed the latest version of LaunchBox to start setting it up. Now I cant use the hide dualshock 4 option and Retroarch sees 2 controllers when started. The DS4 and the emulated 360. Before, RetroArch only saw the "360" controller. Currently not able to use it as an input device in Retroarch. ?

I get a warning about turning off netflix, steam, uplay, Nvidia In-Game... but none of these are installed. Did the LaunchBox install enable something im not aware of? Ideas?

EDIT: It seems to only happen when the controller turns off due to inactivity. Works fine from a fresh boot but if it gets turned off then the situation above happens :/

Edited by SuperDerpBro
Posted (edited)

ds4windows yes?

Do this.

Make .bat file in ds4windows folder.

and inside .bat file write this

	:: Run elevated on logon (via Task Scheduler) for good DS4Windows (exclusive access)
	@echo off
echo [#] Waiting for NvContainerLocalSystem service...
timeout /t 1 > NUL
for /f "tokens=4" %%s in ('sc query NvContainerLocalSystem ^| find "STATE"') do if NOT "%%s"=="RUNNING" goto WAIT
timeout /t 3 > NUL
echo [#] Stopping NvContainerLocalSystem...
net stop NVDisplay.ContainerLocalSystem
echo [#] Starting DS4Windows and waiting 5 seconds...
START "" /D "%~dp0" "%~dp0\DS4Windows.exe"
timeout /t 5 > NUL
echo [#] Starting NvContainerLocalSystem...
net start NVDisplay.ContainerLocalSystem

Now launch ds4windows using that bat file.

it will make sure that nvidia overlay doesnt snatch ur gamepad.

be sure not to have other app's that might do the same at least not before u launch that bat.. (Steam etc)

now u can play ur games

P.S nvidia overlay is always active. Its part of drivers.

Edited by Undertherainbow
Posted (edited)

Yea ds4windows. This PC is running a UHD 630 iGPU and is on a fresh install of Win10. It has no idea what Nvida (doesn't even have a PCI slot) is but i'll give it a shot lol.


Edited by SuperDerpBro
Posted (edited)


Yes. If you don't use HidGuardian driver then you have to use "Hide DS4 Option" in DS4Windows (ie. exclusive mode). This exclusive mode requires that DS4Win app MUST BE the first one to open the original DS4 controller in order to hide it from other apps.

Same applies to idle disconnect/reconnect



Basically, what it means is that either make sure ds4win is always first to connect to gamepad (idle reconnect or not) or use hidguardian, That would suggest that u shouldnt use idle disconect if u wanna play games without hid guardian. Either turn off retroarch when u plan to go or turn off /relaunch before re-connecting gamepad. Or use hidguardian. Ryochan plans to fully integrate hid into ds4 as soon as hid gets stable release stable


Edited by Undertherainbow

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