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Arcade Sticks & Buttons with Gamepad


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Hi There,

Apologies if this has been asked before, but I couldn't find anything on it.

Im planning to build a bartop or full arcade cabinet with full 2 player arcade stick setup and an option to plug in a USB game-pad for new games requiring 2 analogue sticks for movement and camera controls.

My question is really is this possible for BigBox/LaunchBox to recognise me plugging in the game-pad and being able to use it for PS2 games lets say and then back out and carry on using the arcade sticks & buttons.

Sorry for long winded question just wanted to make sure im asking the right things.


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5 minutes ago, Trip101 said:

Hi There,

Apologies if this has been asked before, but I couldn't find anything on it.

Im planning to build a bartop or full arcade cabinet with full 2 player arcade stick setup and an option to plug in a USB game-pad for new games requiring 2 analogue sticks for movement and camera controls.

My question is really is this possible for BigBox/LaunchBox to recognise me plugging in the game-pad and being able to use it for PS2 games lets say and then back out and carry on using the arcade sticks & buttons.

Sorry for long winded question just wanted to make sure im asking the right things.


Yes, because it is not BigBox that maps controls for games. It is each emulator. So as long as you do not have issue with the emulator recognizing the controller you should be fine. Keep in mind though windows itself can sometime cause issues when you plug and unplug a controller. There have been issues with emulators like Mame as windows will assign the controller a different ID each time you plug it in and that can mess with mapping in an emulator.

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