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wont launch games/retroarch for a certain playlist


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my problem is the following: Using Neo Geo with FBNeo core works fine, i have a 2nd playlist for coop gaming same games same core settings -> retroarch wont even open. If i open them from another playlist (or directly in retroarch) it works fine, also manually adding -L "cores\fbneo_libretro.dll" to command line/reassuring fbneo is standard core has no effect (playlist has multiple platforms problem only is on neo geo).. also i should add that it worked before it just stopped for an unknown reason. Thanks for any help in advance.


Edited by nostalgiker
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A playlist should not stop working as a playlist does not actually have games imported into it. All it does is show games of your criteria. The games still belong to and are setup in the platform. 

If you launch those games from the platform they are in do they work? 

Also what version Lb are you on? Newer versions you no longer enter command line parameters. You simply select the core name. 

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Thanks for ur help, i just figured it out was totally my mistake sorry was wasting your time. I had two different folders with the same games the coop folder was missing the neo geo bios thats why they didnt open.

Im on LB 10.14 and happy that the command line parameter still seems to work here so i was able to change with which core a game starts depending on if i play solo form all games folder or intend to netplay from coop game folder/playlist.



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