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Posted (edited)

I am starting a project that will eventually include every cartridge for cart based systems. I have finished the first, the Nintendo Super Game Boy Player cartridge.



This will be combined with a Game Boy cartridge for the final template. The graphics will all be vector based, with 300dpi output. The final Photoshop templates will all have Smart Objects that, using an included PS script, can be pointed at a collection of images to generate output for any number of games. Instructions will also be included.


I will host the project files in my GitHub repo. HERE in a "Front-End Assets" repo.


This is just the first step. While I will work on this part-time for now, full-time work will be put on hold until after I finish my current project: graphics for the awesome HSM Mega Bezel Reflection Shader for Retroarch.

For those of you unfamiliar with the shader...

The Libretro forum thread for the shader is https://forums.libretro.com/t/hsm-mega-bezel-reflection-shader-feedback-and-updates/25512

My project thread can be found here https://forums.libretro.com/t/duimon-hsm-reflection-shader-graphics-feedback-and-updates/28146


A few screenshots of my graphics with the shader...








All my graphics have source files included in separate source repos on my GitHub page and it can be used freely without credit. (For personal use. Tragic circumstances have forced me to add a CC license to my work. The cartridge templates are unaffected by this change.)

For more info on the shader or my supporting graphics please visit the respective pages.


I will post here as the cartridge project moves forward.

Edited by Duimon
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Posted (edited)

Here's a WIP shot of the SGB PAL version.


Those of you following my Libretro thread know that both of these will probably see at least one serious OCD pass.?

I can see right away that there is a masking problem I have to deal with ASAP. (Fixed and Image updated.?)


I was under some self-imposed constraints with this one because I wanted to reuse the Game Boy slot from the first, so I could insert the same Game Boy cartridge into them in the next stage. It really made this a LOT tougher than it needed to be.☹️


Edited by Duimon
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Here's a new WIP!


The Nintendo Game Boy!

All that is left is to create the sticker.

Here's where it starts to get interesting. I will have a smart layer in the final PSD that can use the aforementioned script to point to an existing collection of Game Boy labels, to generate a complete collection of Game Boy cartridges.

The PSD of the SGB carts will have a smart layer of a Game Boy cart inserted into the GB slot. The same script can be pointed at the Game Boy collection created before, (Of course you can do as I intend and curate a collection of SGB enhanced titles.) creating a set of SGB carts, complete with labeled GB carts. Fun!!?


Almost as fun is the method I used to create the "Nintendo Game Boy" beveled logo here.

When I first started my graphics for the HSM shader, I restricted myself to only vector and internal Illustrator effects. I later decided that since I was exporting PNGs at 300dpi, I would allow myself to use Illustrator PS filters, as long as my effects resolution was set at 300dpi. (I believe it still complies with my mission statement.)

Even later I decided that I could create text inside illustrator at an absurd scale, place it as a smart object in a 300dpi HD PS document, and apply beveling/embossing and drop shadow effects, then place the PS document as a linked image in my Illustrator project. When any of the links in the chain are updated, so are the rest. (It just so happens that Illustrator is HORRIBLE at embossing and 3D beveling.)

See? Fun!!



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Posted (edited)

Here's a sample of the output from the GB template and the script.



I had to make a change in the aspect ratio of the sticker plate, and move the arrow to accommodate the change.

It can use either of the EmuMovies 2D cart images as a source. (Since they are essentially identical.)


And here is a shot of the SGB SNES template with the script using the output from the GB template...


...and finally the SGB PAL.


Looking at this, I may make the GB case a little darker, and bit smaller. That's what OCD passes are for.

This thread is also an invitation for feedback so let me know what you think, please.

If anyone would like a cart from a specific system to move to the top of my list then you are also invited to make a request.

There is very little work left, (Other than deciding on a repo layout.) before I can call these final and commit them to the repo.

Edited by Duimon
  • Like 2
12 minutes ago, Duimon said:

Here's a sample of the output from the GB template and the script.



It can use either of the EmuMovies 2D cart images as a source. (Since they are essentially identical.)


And here is a shot of the SGB SNES template with the script using the output from the GB template...


...and finally the SGB PAL.


Looking at this, I may make the GB case a little darker.

This thread is also an invitation for feedback so let me know what you think, please.?

If anyone would like a cart from a specific system to move to the top of my list then you are also invited to make a request.?

There is very little work left, (Other than deciding on a repo layout.) before I can call these final and commit them to the repo.

Hey @Duimon, I'm Diego from the libretro forums. You are doing a very nice work here too.

I'm starting to do something similar with a floppy disk for steam games. My plan is to macro the artwork from the box arts and clear logos to build the set. 

It still green because of my lack of skills. 



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6 minutes ago, Dingo said:

I'm Diego from the libretro forums.

Welcome to my LB thread my friend. I like what you are doing. Since you are using macro's can I assume you are using Affinity Photo? I was planning on enlisting HSM's help in coming up with a macro to create affinity templates, since not everyone has access to Photoshop. HSM has some experience with Affinity, as well as obvious skill in coding. Maybe he and I could take a look at your source and macro if he thinks it will help. (That is if he is willing.)

Just now, Duimon said:

Welcome to my LB thread my friend. I like what you are doing. Since you are using macro's can I assume you are using Affinity Photo? I was planning on enlisting HSM's help in coming up with a macro to create affinity templates, since not everyone has access to Photoshop. HSM has some experience with Affinity, as well as obvious skill in coding. Maybe he and I could take a look at your source and macro if he thinks it will help. (That is if he is willing.)

No, I'm working with photoshop, but I will check the affinity

11 minutes ago, Dingo said:

No, I'm working with photoshop, but I will check the affinity

Well then maybe you can make use of my smart object replacement script. It is already in the new repo. I have another more complicated method that uses an action and can replace multiple objects, but it needs refinement before I would be willing to release it to the community.

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Posted (edited)

Your cart graphic is pretty special, very nice. There are some limitations to using vector to produce photo-realistic graphics, the main advantage is that they are scale-able.

If you ARE using vector, I would love a look at your source, maybe I could learn something. I was pretty rusty a year ago, when I started doing the HSM shader graphics, and have learned/relearned a lot since then.

I heavily doubt my template will improve on your work.


Edited by Duimon
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On 3/2/2021 at 7:58 PM, Duimon said:

Your cart graphic is pretty special, very nice. There are some limitations to using vector to produce photo-realistic graphics, the main advantage is that they are scale-able.

If you ARE using vector, I would love a look at your source, maybe I could learn something. I was pretty rusty a year ago, when I started doing the HSM shader graphics, and have learned/relearned a lot since then.

I heavily doubt my template will improve on your work.


Thanks for the compliment! Your vector template looks good, so does the Super Game Boy. The closer you can get them to looking photo realistic and tricking the human eye the better!!!!


I did not use a vector template for mine, I found a very high resolution photo and changed the perspective of it in Photoshop so it would be "head on" and then created the label layers to make a template and then find good quality art for all 501 games lol. Time consuming as I am sure you already know.

Posted (edited)

I have finalized these three template and they are all in the new repo. I have included a general use guide for my templates in the "Cartridge" README.md, it is a WIP. Please let me know if you have problems following the guide or using the templates.

Here are some shots of the final output.




I made my intended changes to the color of the Game Boy cartridge and it's size. I also made a few other changes to bottom edge and highlights of the Game Boy. In addition I modified the SGB PAL to more closely resemble the size of the US cart, it may not be as authentic, but I like the consistency. If you look you will see that now the GB cart is just a little higher than the SGB cart in both outputs.

Edited by Duimon
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Hoping for some transparent game boy color carts next ;)


Also for shits and giggles (I use Illustrator, but what needs to be done to change the cart color, is there an easy method with so many different shapes and objects in the AI file?

Posted (edited)
16 hours ago, ABeezy13 said:

is there an easy method with so many different shapes and objects in the AI file?

Honestly, since these are essentially monochromatic without the labels, I would use Photoshop and just add a Hue Saturation adjustment layer and make sure to select "Colorize".


For the others I would export the sticker separately and combine them in Photoshop after I colorize.

If you think it would add value, I could modify the sources and add this feature into the template. Thanks for the feedback, it will make this a stronger project!

Oh, and thanks for the request! Game Boy Color is now at the top of the list. I am elbow deep in the Neo Geo AES for my Libretro project, I will get to the cart once it is finished.?

Edited by Duimon
Posted (edited)



Now that I've done some research I realize you are asking for a "Translucent" Game Boy Color cartridge. I have done pseudo transparency once before, (It is HARD.)

Would something like what I did here...


meet your requirements?


Edited by Duimon
Posted (edited)

I have no idea how I would accomplish that in Illustrator. But then, I had no idea how I was going to do the above graphic either.

I'll give it a shot. My chief concern is that, in order to look legit, whatever background you place it on has to show through. I'm not sure it's possible to achieve that kind of transparency in a multi-layer, multi object, vector file.

I guess we'll find out.


Edited by Duimon

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