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Time Crisis Arcade High Scores Not Saving


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Hi there,

Noticed today Time Crisis one is t saving my highscores I get in Time Trial. Bit frustrating as it took me quite a few goes to even get a score on the board. After quitting the game and going back in its gone 😞

All games I tested seem to be working fine for Saving highscores, but I did have to mess around with the settings when I first set mame up to get most of them working. Anyone experienced this with Time Crisis or have any ideas how to fix it?



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15 minutes ago, JimboJambo86 said:

Hi there,

Noticed today Time Crisis one is t saving my highscores I get in Time Trial. Bit frustrating as it took me quite a few goes to even get a score on the board. After quitting the game and going back in its gone 😞

All games I tested seem to be working fine for Saving highscores, but I did have to mess around with the settings when I first set mame up to get most of them working. Anyone experienced this with Time Crisis or have any ideas how to fix it?




Time Crisis does not support score saving in MAME. This is just down to the plugin used, not every game is supported, in fact there are a whole ton where Hi Scores don't work i'm afraid. Its easy to tell in Launchbox, if you have any of the hi scores set to show in the game details window, any unsupported game wont show any scores, for obvious reasons.

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3 minutes ago, neil9000 said:

Time Crisis does not support score saving in MAME. This is just down to the plugin used, not every game is supported, in fact there are a whole ton where Hi Scores don't work i'm afraid. Its easy to tell in Launchbox, if you have any of the hi scores set to show in the game details window, any unsupported game wont show any scores, for obvious reasons.

Thank you, I had noticed a load that don't support highscores in launchbox but had assumed that was separate to those that didn't work in make.

At least I can stop getting frustrated with it not saving in that game 🤣

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Just now, JimboJambo86 said:

Thank you, I had noticed a load that don't support highscores in launchbox but had assumed that was separate to those that didn't work in make.

At least I can stop getting frustrated with it not saving in that game 🤣

Getting a score in a MAME game and actually saving that score are two very different things. Of course most arcade games had hi score charts and they are of course present in MAME as they are accurate games, however, MAME itself doesn't actually save the scores, you can enter them sure, but as soon as you quit the game that is lost. So a plugin called hi2txt is used to to actually save scores once a game is exited, and that is the same tool we have integrated into Launchbox. However this tool is manually maintained and updated, and doesn't support every game as each game has to be manually added to hi2txt, and every game handles scores differently, so it's a completely manual process and investigation for each and every game MAME supports.

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