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Adding "Controller type" for each Mame game as "CustomField". Can use it in Launchbox, and Bigbox themes...

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Posted (edited)

Hi all,

  it's my first attempt to modify metadata in batch...


My goal, is to see "on screen" for each Mame game, to know what is the best controller to use on my arcade cabinet.

 - This information is in Launchbox, but we can use it ONLY in playlists.

 - It's impossible to show it in a game screen, in a bigbox theme

- Mame have a lot of errors in coding controllers in his listxml output file...


So, i made VBS scripts to :

- Extract all the controller types from mame output list, by the way, correct some errors, and modify these to have readable strings...

- Synchronize the rom with the Launchbox game ID

- Create ALL the custom field for Mame roms.


Now, i see the type of controller in the Launchbox game detail pane, and i can add it to a custom theme to see it on the game screen!

288934192_Capturedcran2022-01-07213154.thumb.png.5c9a87f179db5df722ef8f8533d7f9a1.png                        1133242930_Capturedcran2022-01-07213243.thumb.png.6ec39a2dae429c72a7d24d1938a2d223.png

It'S possible to add it directly from metadata in the menu, no code, no api, no plugins...


I previously readen some people who seems to want this feature... If somebody is interested, i can refine a little my VBS code and make it available...

Edited by baboo1969
Posted (edited)

I refined the script to handle automatically almost everything...


Unzip in a directory, and READ the readme1st.txt file BEFORE running!





I can now use them with logs in a theme! I've created a full set of controllers titles images...


Edited by baboo1969

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