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How do you set bezels for games individually instead of per system?


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I love the new update that finally implements the bezel project. I'm glad it finally happened. 

So I am having problem with getting games to show their unique bezels. Instead, I get the system's bezel. e.g When playing Super Mario World, I get Super Nintendo bezel instead of Super Mario World bezel.

I mainly use Retroarch MAME core for my games. Anyone could please help me with this? Am I really supposed set the bezels per game one by one in the Retroarch settings?


Solved it. My roms just did not match the name of the bezels.

Edited by D-Arcade
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Missing bezels happen for two reasons, either the installed directories under \\retroarch\config don't match the core name you are using, or your rom names don't match the cfg file names under the config directory location. If the latter, you can either rename your roms, or rename the cfg files. We also try to use the No-Intro naming standard, so downloading and using a No-Intro set of roms can also fix this.

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