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16 hours ago, Headrush69 said:

I think we are saying the same thing but in different ways.

Those emulators are expecting the gun co-ordinates in the ratio matching your display ratio. even when the actual game is only outputting 4:3. By forcing Content aspect ratio on, you are introducing those offset problems.

There is no way around the fact you have to switch. I find it's easier to stay in Full and switch to Content when needed, but to each his own.

I'm assuming you are using Demulshooter with SM2? I ask because I run at 4:3 and after in game calibration it works in Full screen aspect. (no need to switch)

Yeah, makes sense now.

I did try setting the resolution of supermodel3 down from 2560x1440 to 1920×1440 and in windowed mode but that didn't Work either

  • 5 months later...
Posted (edited)

I finally have time to figure this out.

For some reason, echoing those values into my gun's COM ports does nothing. M3.0 to M3.1 and back again does not change fullscreen to content aspect at all.

I'm running this from an elevated command prompt as that is required and the commands complete successfully. Is there anything else I'm missing?


C:\WINDOWS\system32>echo M3.0 > COM11

C:\WINDOWS\system32>echo M3.0 > COM12

C:\WINDOWS\system32>echo M3.1 > COM11

C:\WINDOWS\system32>echo M3.1 > COM12


I also tried the set command from this post but it also did not work: https://batchloaf.wordpress.com/2013/02/12/simple-trick-for-sending-characters-to-a-serial-port-in-windows/

My guns firmware is 2.64 and my gun4ir gui is version 1.26beta.


Edit: I just had success triggering the solenoid with this command:

C:\WINDOWS\system32>echo F0.1.1 > \\.\COM12

It needed the full path. NOT just "COM12".

However, the "Mx.y" options are still not working for aspect ratio changing.


Edit 2: The fix was to make sure that the "Content aspect ratio" option in the top level of the gui was set to 16:9, and to use the full name of the COM port "\\.\COM12". My option was set to undefined. I have no idea what that option means or why it stopped the COM commands from working.

Edited by Hamburglin
Posted (edited)

I can't believe I'm asking for more help on this, but jurassic park lost world is somehow going WILD with its gun calibration. I just got done setting all of my light gun games to run the 4:3 or 16:19 COM port scripts for gun4ir content aspect ratio and the games all worked... except jurassic park! Even the other supermodel 3 guns aim fine!

The issue this time is that if I calibrate my light gun in jp's settings, the shots are way across the screen. What's so strange is that the little red dot for stage select is accurate, but the in game shots (big white X when in scene mode) is half way or completely off the screen. The built in cursors also perfectly align with my light guns so I know that's working.

Example: Aim towards the bottom left of the screen. Your blue calibration square is in the top right!

The screen x and y coords look weird too.

When my gun and curso is the very to p left, they are:


And when my cursor is in the bottom right, they are:

x: -9821
y: 12


How doe this make any sense if my resolution is set to 2560x1440?

Edited by Hamburglin
  • 1 month later...
On 1/23/2023 at 3:41 PM, Hamburglin said:

Man, I finally figured it out... I needed to:

  • Set the resolution to match my monitor: 2560x1440
  • Right click supermodel, go to properties, compatibility and check "Disable fullscreen optimizations"
  • "Change High DPI Settings" -> "High DPI Scaling Override" set to Application

Wow, that was frustrating!

Secondly, I can't figure out how to get gun4ir to work in 4:3 content aspect ratio of 133 with this, just like flycast. It's like they don't report or send 4:3 coordinates even if the game is always in 4:3. They send 16:9 coordinates which warps the aim the closer to the edges of the screen you are. But both emulators does work when the aspect ratio is set to fullscreen in gun4ir (which I don't want because I don't stretch the 4:3 games to 16:9).

This thread did help solve my issue with my Gun4IR guns on Supermodel, but to clarify a few things in case anyone else needs help...

All I had to do was set the resolution of supermodel to match my monitor native resolution (1920x1080 in my case), and set the Gun4iR content mode to fullscreen.

The settings regarding fullscreen optimizations and High DPI settings are only needed if you have scaling turned on in the main Windows Display settings.  But my understanding is that most light guns and emulators will have issues with any kind of scaling.   Everything I've read has said to make sure that the main DPI scaling setting in Windows Display settings is left at 100% (no scaling).

Sadly, my computer running my arcade cabinet is not powerful enough to run the games in 1920x1080 resolution so I guess I won't be playing any light gun games in supermodel.  At least I can play Star Wars Trilogy with my analog joystick.


Glad you figure it out.

I can say that no light gun games in any of the emulators have issues with WI for scaling as long as you set the scaling per application. In fact, supermodel 3is the only emulator that needs it for light gun use.

Otherwise yeah, light guns definitely need to be set to the correct aspect ratio (16:9 vs 4:3) but thats a different problem entirely.


Second follow-up.  I found somewhere else, you don't need to run supermodel at the native resolution of your monitor.  You need to run supermodel at the same resolution as your Windows system Display resolution.  So in my case where the game is unplayable at 1920x1080, I can change my main Windows resolution to something lower and run supermodel at that same resolution and I can find a resolution where I can still play the game with the light guns.

I found this monitorswitcher tool for automating the changing of the main windows system resolution.

I also discovered that quad rendering in supermodel is a huge performance hit, so I turned it off.  With quad rendering turned off, I'm able to play the games at 1280x720 (still just a bit too slow at 1920x1080).  With quad rendering turned on, I had to go down to 800x600 for the game to be playable.

Regarding the dpi scaling, I guess my main point for others is that if your main Windows Display scaling is left at 100%, you do not need to set the fullscreen and dpi scaling options on the application itself.  But yes, if you're using DPI scaling in the main Windows Display settings, then use the application settings to override that.

OH, also, regarding the game.xml file for Lost World, I've read that with newer versions of supermodel, it's recommended to leave the game.xml at analog_gun instead of just plain gun.  It works for me.


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