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Arcade Playlist SNK Neo Geo MVS and Platform SNK Neo Geo AES (Neo Geo MVS and AES). A rough solution for anyone interested.


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I had been having trouble setting up Neo Geo MVS and AES to work seemlessly and independently of one another, without having to manually set MVS/AES in the dipswitches every time I wanted to change from one to the other. 

As you probably know, the MVS (arcade) and AES (home console) carts were exactly the same. It's was the BIOS of each machine that instructed it which version of the game to load. 

I wanted the Neo Geo MVS roms in my Arcade/Mame rom folder to behave like the arcade, and I wanted my SNK Neo Geo AES roms to behave like the home console. Given that I couldn't really find anything in Google searches, I wanted to share my solution and simple batch script that should help you if you were having an issue simialr to mine. I am sure that there is probably a better way of getting this done, but this has worked absolutely fine for me, and I hope it can work okay for you too.

Pre-requisits: Working Neo Geo AES compatible roms and bios. I used the latest full set MAME 0.253 (merged). You're happy with MAME for arcade emulation, and using the Retroarch FBNeo core (install this) for Neo Geo AES emulation. If not, then these steps as they are below won't be suitable for you. Maybe you can tailor to your needs.  

  1. Run the bat script to copy Neo Geo AES compatible roms from your MAME rom directory (default D:\LaunchBox\Games\MAME) to a desired folder location (default is D:\LaunchBox\Games\SNK Neo Geo AES). These paths can easily be amended in the script via Notepad/Notepad++. (The variables are right at the top of the script, and pretty self explanatory).
  2. Create a working BIOS file by placing the files located in the newly copied aes.zip into the newly copied neogeo.zip, overwriting any files. DO NOT edit your original MAME files.
  3. Move the newly copied, and now newly amended, neogeo.zip file to %LAUNCHBOX%\Emulators\RetroArch\system\fbneo (or wherever you have Retroach installed).
  4. Import ROMs from SNK Neo Geo AES folder into Launchbox with Retroarch as the emulator and fbneo_libretro as the core.
  5. Load any SNK Neo Geo AES game, and press F1 when it loads to enter the Core Options, Neogeo Settings and set Neo-Geo Mode to AES Europe/Asia (English)
  6. Go back one and scroll down to DIP Switches. Set BIOS to MVS Asia/Euope ver 6 (1 slot)
  7. Restart and you should be good to go!




copy snk neo geo aes roms from mame directory.bat

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For those of you apprehensive about download a bat file from a stranger, here is a copy and paste of the entire script below. Merely copy it to your notepad, change the variables, save with a .bat extension and run. 




@echo off

rem Folder paths. 
rem Please edit these to suit your needs

rem This is your mame rom directory
set MAMEROOT=D:\LaunchBox\Games\MAME

rem This is your LauchBox directory
set LAUNCHBOX=D:\LaunchBox

rem This is the location where you want your roms to copy to
set NEOGEOAES=D:\LaunchBox\Games\SNK Neo Geo AES

echo This script will copy Neo Geo AES compatibile ROMs from 
echo your mame roms folder : %MAMEROOT%
echo to your desired folder : %NEOGEOAES% 
echo If these paths need to be edited , select (N)o , and edit this script before re-running .
echo NOTE: The ROMs in %MAMEROOT% will remain . 

set /p z=Do you want to proceed ? (Y/N) : %=%
if '%z%' == 'Y' GOTO Item_RomDirectory
if '%z%' == 'y' GOTO Item_RomDirectory
if '%z%' == 'N' GOTO Item_Exit
if '%z%' == 'n' GOTO Item_Exit
2>nul (pause|echo+Error ! Option not listed . Press any key to go back and select again . . .)
GOTO Item_Confirm

rem Make SNK Neo Geo AES directory if it doesn't exist
IF EXIST "%NEOGEOAES%" (goto Item_Start) else goto Item_MakeRomDirectory
mkdir "%NEOGEOAES%"
Goto Item_RomDirectory

rem start processing games

goto process_games


rem ROMSET is the zip rom file name without extension
set ROMSET=%~1

echo.TODO: Complete here to do some action...

if exist "%MAMEROOT%\%ROMSET%.zip" copy "%MAMEROOT%\%ROMSET%.zip" "%NEOGEOAES%\%ROMSET%.zip"


ENDLOCAL \& SET _result=
goto :eof

call :process_game "2020bb"
call :process_game "3countb"
call :process_game "alpham2"
call :process_game "androdun"
call :process_game "aodk"
call :process_game "aof"
call :process_game "aof2"
call :process_game "aof3"
call :process_game "b2b"
call :process_game "bakatono"
call :process_game "bjourney"
call :process_game "blazstar"
call :process_game "breakers"
call :process_game "bstars"
call :process_game "bstars2"
call :process_game "burningf"
call :process_game "crsword"
call :process_game "cyberlip"
call :process_game "doubledr"
call :process_game "eightman"
call :process_game "fatfursp"
call :process_game "fatfury1"
call :process_game "fatfury2"
call :process_game "fatfury3"
call :process_game "fbfrenzy"
call :process_game "galaxyfg"
call :process_game "games.txt"
call :process_game "garou"
call :process_game "gowcaizr"
call :process_game "gpilots"
call :process_game "joyjoy"
call :process_game "kabukikl"
call :process_game "karnovr"
call :process_game "kizuna"
call :process_game "kof2000"
call :process_game "kof2001"
call :process_game "kof2002"
call :process_game "kof2003"
call :process_game "kof94"
call :process_game "kof95"
call :process_game "kof96"
call :process_game "kof97"
call :process_game "kof98"
call :process_game "kof99"
call :process_game "kotm"
call :process_game "kotm2"
call :process_game "lastblad"
call :process_game "lastbld2"
call :process_game "lbowling"
call :process_game "legendos"
call :process_game "lresort"
call :process_game "magdrop2"
call :process_game "magdrop3"
call :process_game "maglord"
call :process_game "mahretsu"
call :process_game "marukodq"
call :process_game "matrim"
call :process_game "minasan"
call :process_game "mosyougi"
call :process_game "mslug"
call :process_game "mslug2"
call :process_game "mslug3"
call :process_game "mslug4"
call :process_game "mslug5"
call :process_game "mslugx"
call :process_game "mutnat"
call :process_game "nam1975"
call :process_game "ncombat"
call :process_game "ncommand"
call :process_game "neocup98"
call :process_game "ninjamas"
call :process_game "overtop"
call :process_game "pulstar"
call :process_game "quizdai2"
call :process_game "quizdais"
call :process_game "quizkof"
call :process_game "ragnagrd"
call :process_game "rbff1"
call :process_game "rbff1a"
call :process_game "rbff2"
call :process_game "rbffspec"
call :process_game "ridhero"
call :process_game "roboarmy"
call :process_game "rotd"
call :process_game "samsh5sp"
call :process_game "samsho"
call :process_game "samsho2"
call :process_game "samsho3"
call :process_game "samsho4"
call :process_game "samsho5"
call :process_game "savagere"
call :process_game "sengoku"
call :process_game "sengoku2"
call :process_game "sengoku3"
call :process_game "shocktr2"
call :process_game "socbrawl"
call :process_game "sonicwi2"
call :process_game "sonicwi3"
call :process_game "spinmast"
call :process_game "ssideki"
call :process_game "ssideki2"
call :process_game "ssideki3"
call :process_game "ssideki4"
call :process_game "stakwin"
call :process_game "stakwin2"
call :process_game "strhoop"
call :process_game "superspy"
call :process_game "svc"
call :process_game "tophuntr"
call :process_game "tpgolf"
call :process_game "trally"
call :process_game "turfmast"
call :process_game "twinspri"
call :process_game "viewpoin"
call :process_game "wakuwak7"
call :process_game "wh1"
call :process_game "wh2"
call :process_game "wh2j"
call :process_game "whp"
call :process_game "wjammers"
call :process_game "aes"
call :process_game "neogeo"

rem final instructions
echo Neo Geo MAME ROMs compatible with AES copied from %MAMEROOT%
echo to %NEOGEOAES%
echo To set up AES mode:
echo 1. Create folder called fbneo in %LAUNCHBOX%\Emulators\RetroArch\system\fbneo (assuming default) .
echo 2. Move neogeo.zip and aes.zip from %NEOGEOAES% into newly created fbneo folder .
echo 3. Move all contents of aes.zip into neogeo.zip , overwriting any files .
echo 4. Delete aes.zip , it's no longer needed .
echo 5. Load ROM through FBNeo core in RetroArch .
echo 6. Press F1 to enter core menu and select Asia AES bios .
echo Please press any key to exit .
pause >nul

rem open newly created folder
start .


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This is so needlessly complicated.
We have a couple of NeoGeo rom copy batch files here on the forums in the downloads section that are far more simple if you felt you needed to have duplicate roms on your drive.

On top of that you can just use Mame and a simple command line parameter to start the games in AES mode.

aes %romfile% -bios usa

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