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LaunchBox Community Forums

Please help, my username is now invalid


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I created my account years ago, with the username 'China>Rider' and the email I used to fill out this form.

In my LaunchBox application, I see the yellow circle with exclamation point inside and when I hover over it it tells me I'm out of sync and that my connection has expired.  When I try to reconnect, I receive no errors but the icon doesn't go away and I continue to be out of sync with an expired connection.

I tried logging into the forums but I cannot.  I tried 'Forgot Password' and when I use the reset link to establish a new password, I get an error that my username 'China>Rider' is invalid due to invalid characters (obviously the > character).  So something must have changed between the time I created my username and now, meaning I never had any issues before but haven't played games in many months.

How can I change my username to remove the offending character?

Any help is appreciated, happy to provide screenshots / log files.



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To be clear, the forums asked me to create an account to post the first message.  I used the same email, same password, and removed the '>' character from my username.  So now I have a working forums account but still have the same issue in the LauchBox application - yellow circle with exclamation point telling me I'm out of sync.  Using the email and password that is associated with this forums account yields no errors but no resolution either...

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Something you may be getting confused with is that a License is not the same as a forums account, which is not the same as a LaunchBox Games Database account.

From the sounds of it, you never had a LaunchBox Community Forums account, and you just created one.

The yellow circle is part of the new syncing feature in LaunchBox that ties to your LaunchBox Games Database account. You should look here to see if you have one of those accounts or not:


Once you figure that out, you should be able to use those credentials inside of LaunchBox in order to start the syncing feature.

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