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I want to see a video... now I don't want to


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Hi everyone


I am trying a small modification to the default theme, but I am not succeeding.

When I select which game I want to play, I see on the left the details of the game and its video (this is the Wall4 view). 



When I select the game, in the menu to run it I see the same video again and it also restarts. I would like that it is not a video in that second screen, but the startup screenshot.



Is this a difficult adjustment or could it be done with some small change?



PS: I would like to ask another question in case there is no need to open more topics: Can I change the text of the Launchbox translation? On the left you can see that 'Additional application/version' is such a long text that it is cut off, so I would like to modify it manually. Is this possible or we don't have access to the translations?
Thanks again

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On 2/22/2024 at 6:42 AM, SolarisSpell said:

Hi everyone


I am trying a small modification to the default theme, but I am not succeeding.

When I select which game I want to play, I see on the left the details of the game and its video (this is the Wall4 view). 



When I select the game, in the menu to run it I see the same video again and it also restarts. I would like that it is not a video in that second screen, but the startup screenshot.



Is this a difficult adjustment or could it be done with some small change?



PS: I would like to ask another question in case there is no need to open more topics: Can I change the text of the Launchbox translation? On the left you can see that 'Additional application/version' is such a long text that it is cut off, so I would like to modify it manually. Is this possible or we don't have access to the translations?
Thanks again

You would need to copy the entire contents of the Default folder and rename the new folder to whatever you want your custom theme to be named.

Then you would have to dive into the file:

[your custom theme name]\Views\TextGamesView.xaml

Then, you would find the part of the code that displays video and delete it. You can do a search for VIDEO, and that will bring you to a self-contained Grid with only 1 thing inside of it which is named VideoContainer. Remove the whole Grid and you should be good to go.


I'm not entirely sure what you are asking for your second question. Are you wanting to change the font size, or change the entire string to something else?

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Thanks for the answer


If I delete the code of the grid, the video dissapears, but nothing is shown.

Last year you helped me to show a clear logo in the BigBox theme so I used that info and tried copy-pasting others part of code to get it to work as I wanted and now the video has been changed for a game title screenhot. Thanks a lot



If someone is interestedm this is what I used:

<coverFlow:FlowImage ImageType="Screenshot - Game Title" DataContext="{Binding SelectedGame}" Grid.Row="1" Stretch="Uniform" HorizontalAlignment="Center" VerticalAlignment="Top" Visibility="{Binding TitleVisibility}" RenderOptions.BitmapScalingMode="HighQuality"/>



For my second question, I wanted to know if we can manually edit the translation of the LaunchBox interface

'Additional app/version' has been translated as 'Aplicaciones/versiones adicionales' in spanish. Which is an accurate translation. But it's such a long sentence that it's cropped to 'Aplicaciones/versiones adici...'. So I just want to edit it to make it shorter.



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You could participate in string translations here: 

Another option, if you just wanted something for yourself is to do a string replacement for that option, using a datatrigger, that might be a bit to explain though, but if you would rather just change it for yourself, I'll look into an answer for you.



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Thanks again


Actually, 'Aplicaciones/Versiones adicionales' is the correct translation. I don't think it should be changed.

Is just that I personally prefer to not have cropped text, so changing it to 'Otras versiones / CDs' (Other versions / Discs) makes sense to me, but maybe not for everyone else.

Thats why I think I should edit my own files but not the official translation.


I have used the Zeta Resource Editor of the thread you have provieded me and have already opened and changed the line I mentioned. So, now I don't know how to finish. Having changed the .resx file, how do I insert it in my LaunchBox?


Thanks for your answers

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9 hours ago, SolarisSpell said:

Thanks again


Actually, 'Aplicaciones/Versiones adicionales' is the correct translation. I don't think it should be changed.

Is just that I personally prefer to not have cropped text, so changing it to 'Otras versiones / CDs' (Other versions / Discs) makes sense to me, but maybe not for everyone else.

Thats why I think I should edit my own files but not the official translation.


I have used the Zeta Resource Editor of the thread you have provieded me and have already opened and changed the line I mentioned. So, now I don't know how to finish. Having changed the .resx file, how do I insert it in my LaunchBox?


Thanks for your answers

You wouldn't be able to utilize that file yourself.

What you would have to do is open the following file in your custom theme: \Views\MenuItemView.xaml

Then, replace the TextBlock that you see in there with the following:

<TextBlock x:Name="MenuText" TextTrimming="CharacterEllipsis" TextWrapping="NoWrap" HorizontalAlignment="Stretch" VerticalAlignment="Center">
        <Style TargetType="TextBlock">
            <Setter Property="FontSize" Value="{Binding Converter={StaticResource ScaleConverter}, ConverterParameter='27'}" />
            <Setter Property="Text" Value="{Binding Text}" />
            <Setter Property="Padding" Value="0" />
                <DataTrigger Binding="{Binding Text}" Value="Play">
                    <Setter Property="FontSize" Value="{Binding Converter={StaticResource ScaleConverter}, ConverterParameter='45'}" />
                    <Setter Property="Padding" Value="{Binding Converter={StaticResource ScaleConverter}, ConverterParameter='0,10'}" />
                <DataTrigger Binding="{Binding Text}" Value="Aplicaciones/Versiones adicionales">
                    <Setter Property="Text" Value="Otras versiones / CDs" />

It essentially just adds a datatrigger that looks for the menu text Aplicaciones/Versiones adicionales, and then replaces it with Otras versiones / CDs

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