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Posted (edited)

What started off as a small project for my son and I, has grown into a beast, and I'm overwhelmed. Please bear with me as I have more and more questions.

I'm contemplating uninstalling Launchbox and all my emulators and starting from scratch. I moved too many folders to different drives, selected new emulators for different systems, making some portable, some not, some inside LB emulator directory, some not, and editing things here and there. I'm certain it is all completely salvageable, but a refresh will just make everything easier on me, with the only change necessary would be the ROM paths, which should not a problem. Starting from scratch is my preferred method going forward. 

All that said, current question. I have a folder inside the LB folder (C:\games\Launchbox\Emulators), and I have all of my emulators, including the ones I will no longer use (I haven't cleaned them out yet), there. Yesterday, I used the emulator update link within Launchbox emulator manager. PCSX2 and Dolphin had a checkmark indicating an update, I clicked it, and through that, LB downloaded the emulators and installed them into new folders, C:\games\Nintendo\Nintendo GameCube - Wii, and C:\games\Sony\Sony PlayStation 2 respectively. Rather than being inside the Launchbox emulator folder, they were installed next to the Launchbox folder. LB chose these locations, I did not. However, I find this to be quite helpful, especially if LB monitors these emulators. I need ease of use more than anything right now. I decided to move forward and set up a new emulator, I clicked 4DO from the dropdown list, downloaded the installer, and, now what? Where should I install it because LB didn't create a new folder?  Normally, I would just put it in the emulator folder within LB as I had been doing before and setting the emulator path, but if LB will monitor each emulator from the dropdown list if placed within this new folder structure it started, fantastic. So, for the 4DO, something like creating a C:\games\3DO\...? What exactly would LB be looking for by default?

Included image: Having the version and status boxes filled and monitored by LB, such as with PCSX2 and Dolphin would be ideal for me. I need ease of use. My brain is struggling to keep up.


Edited by Lahrs
Posted (edited)

Second question. As far as ROMs go, I have a large selection of smaller files, 16 bit and older, and then much larger files, 32 bit+. I know LB creates its default ROM folders, and I would like to use those for the smaller files. How should I name the folders for the larger files that will have to be on a separate drive? Whatever it takes to make LB work more efficiently and self-contained, the better. Automate as much as possible.

Final question (at the moment), should I just use Retroarch to keep even more automated and self-contained? Personally, I do prefer individual emulators for certain systems, as some standalone work better than the Retroarch cores, but I may be willing to forego that for ease of use. Admittedly though, this isn't my ideal approach, and am weighing the pros and cons of such an action.

Edited by Lahrs
Posted (edited)

For the emulators, you don't have to put them where LB wants.  If you do the auto install it does place them in LB\emulators by default but you can point to any location.  What you do is up to you but should be consistent for all emulators or gets confusing.  For my setup, I do not put ROMS or emulators in the LB directory.  Regardless of what you choose, once you have setup your application path that is where LB will then save any updates for future.  So in case below, I have an update pending for PCSX2 and it is not located in LB\Emulators directory.  If I hit update it will update in path I have selected in Application Path.


If you decide you want to move an emulator to a different directory than what originally selected, then do so within Windows file manager (i.e., copy/paste folders). Then go back into Tools, Manage, Emulators, and update the path to the executable accordingly.  The key thing here to remember is the location has nothing to do with the "monitoring" aspect in LB.  LB does this by polling the executable which is listed in the application path.


Now as to the monitoring aspect. That is a new feature in LB and isn't fully applicable to all emulators.  Your example of 4DO is one where LB has a box to click to download but it doesn't automatically monitor the executable for versions.  In screen shot above the non-checked emulators in Status are examples of emulators that LB does not yet have "monitoring" functionality yet. 

As far as ROM locations, again you can do however you want.  LB isn't any more efficient one way or other.  My 2 cents is you pick a logical process and stick with it.  Personally, I use the completely separate folder structure for ROMs and Emulators.  I have a "G drive" which has each platform (or emulator) and then the "roms" within that folder.  The key for LB, especially with the new auto import feature  is you have a structure where your ROMS are within an isolated directory per platform/emulator (see example for Atari 2600).  


ROMs are then within the next folder depth:


Not really sure on your question on "separate drives" but again LB doesn't care where the files are located. You could have files on different paths or multiple drives.  For ease of use, you are better off keeping things as simple as possible but for example if you have some larger files on a "H drive" then as long as LB can see it when it launches then no issues. How you name the folders is again up to you, LB doesn't care as long as you have pointed paths correctly.  To give you point of reference here is snip of some of the rom locations for some of my platforms to give idea.  Again, this is way I did it but consistency is the key item on any naming you do. 


On Retroarch, it is good for many things and I do use it for maybe half of my systems.  Like all things use what is easiest and gives you performance for your system.  For most of the earlier cart based systems I find it is easiest to use.  For MAME, recommendation is to not use RA for that. It just gets way too complicated but people still do.  But other than MAME, for most part if RA has a core for it give it a try first.  Some RA cores lag behind their standalone counterparts but for most of us it isn't a huge issue. 

Edited by sundogak

Right now, I have LB on my main HD, but that may move. I haven't decided on my final setup yet. I have a second 1TB m.2 drive that is basically a glorified junk storage. I'm thinking about turning that into a dedicated LB drive. I can't remember off the top of my head, but all media is normally stored within LB folders, regardless of emulator and ROM storage, correct?

Currently, C\LB\Emulators\emulator name. And then the ROMs are in F\game system name\ROMs. All I meant about the ROMs being on another drive is that is already how I have it and I believe whatever solution I come up with as far as where LB and emulators go, the ROM drive can stay where it is without worrying. Basically, it's done. One step down.

For your setup, its G\game system folder\game system emulator\rom folder, correct? That is pretty straight forward and keeps each system contained in one spot. I like that.

In my original post, when I said my brain is struggling to keep up, I meant that. Brain damage from car accident changed everything, and what was once easy to figure out can be a nightmare now. That is why I keep asking these questions. I'm trying to map it out. Fortunately, Unbroken Software consistently puts up great YouTube videos. The visuals are a huge help. I will get there; it will just take a while.

Thank you for your patience and thoroughly answering my questions. You have been a big help as well.


Media paths can be changed independently within LB.   Go to Tools, Manage Platforms, and under the Folders tab will see paths to media.  I typically have left the media within LB as it defaults in setup, less messing with all the folders which are numerous x number of platforms.  MAME is example where can be handy to change the media paths so don't have to duplicate media into LB folders if stored within a master MAME setup.

Yeah, for the overall setup I have as you noted, system, and then under the system an emulator(s) folder and a separate rom folder.  There were a few exceptions mostly as a quick way to get things working. Sometimes "it works, stop fiddling" comes up with the hobby (at least for me).  My original goal was to keep things in way that the LB install was "local" on whatever computer and then the master files were kept on the "G" drive (either local HD or a NAS).

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