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Suggestion - Larger Scroll bar


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I know that everything modern is smaller and smaller but I actually struggle with the tiny weany scroll bar!

The issue I have is, the scroll bar should be chunky and easily accessible. Currently, its actually turning me off the whole app because I need to carefully hover over a specific part, only then to be able to scroll easily. 

Also just on this, I suggest a better way to scroll, middle mouse could work or a drag of the screen. Currently it feels all boxed in and navigation feels old and clinical.

Thanks, hope devs read this.

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If on premium you can theme the change to the scrollbar. When you refer to the middle mouse, you mean clicking the middle mouse and scrolling that way, or something else? Wheel already scrolls so I want to make sure I'm understanding the request.

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Thanks for your reply, yeah I am using premium, I ran around the Tools -> Options "Main Window Theme" has various colours/fonts and under "Boxes" spacing, but I can't see anything related to the main scroll bar?

With the general themes, I can select different ones but there isn't any way I can see how to edit/tweak those?

I know 'modern' windows uses these same sized scroll bars that you guys use, but, the default is way to small.. like only a few pixels wide, this really needs to be larger.



Regarding the middle mouse button, yes I can scroll using the wheel, but would be good to be able to drag fast the entire screen with the middle mouse - this would be handy, like when you drag on an ipad or Adobe software just clicking and holding the middle mouse. (if you have 1000's of items you might want to just really fast get to the game knowing the alphabet/ordering etc).



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You'd have to alter the theme's XAML file to do what I was referring to. Just so you're aware you CAN press the letter or letters of the game you want to jump to as well. If you know you want to scroll to games starting with "Su" for example you can click on any game in the view then type s-u and it'll jump to the first game starting with that.

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Posted (edited)

Thanks again for your reply, yeah I went through the default themes and they don't specify any size, so this means they just use the windows defaults.
I tried a few other themes, they do mention "ScrollBarWidthKey" but not in all places (so I don't have the confidence/skills in .XAML to modify). I still couldn't find that main scroll bar.

All I want is it to be double the size.

So probably now this is a feature request or some theme request!

Unrelated: I don't why windows assumes tiny little scroll bars are acceptable (using defaults on 4k) I even adjusted the registry so Chrome was improved, but eeehh it feels like i'm on a mac.

EDIT: Yes I use the middle mouse to scroll. Typing in letters is fine, it is pretty laggy though before it reacts, even scrolling should be improved it's sloppy/laggy too, seems to not cache and use anything like GPU.. probally just raw reading of the .pngs realtime which isn't ideal when you have a few hundred thumbnails, anyway that's unrelated!.


Edited by absys007
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