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Hi, is there a way to enter two words in the search bar and search titles that contains at least one of the words (an OR search)?

I'm trying to make a super clean and organized Commodore 64 list starting from a GameBase collection (more than 60k games); it happens hundreds of times that I have 2 names of the same game (i.e regional versions) and I've to combine them... and to do that the best I can do is scroll back and forth the whole list.. and with that many games the scroll bar movement is so inaccurate that it takes a lot of time doing this simple task... having an OR search would solve this instantly.

Thank you!!!

Edited by B-B-Lee

Have you checked out the audit feature? It'll mark duplicates for you. If the two games have the same LB Games Database ID that column value will be checked and the row turned red. You can sort by that column as well so all the dups rise to the top. You then select the two rows that are the same and right click and press combine. Sounds like a bit faster workflow then what you're trying to do.


You also can go to Tools > File Management > Consolidate ROMs for Platform and it should auto combined games with the same ID. Been a while since I've used that tool since I don't have dups in any of my sets so I'd backup your data files before using it just incase.


Thanks for the quick response; your answer is usefull but it can be applied only after a full scan to search for games IDs... and unfortunatly this leads to a lot of false ID attribution (C64 naming is a chore and there are a lot of games with the same name that are different) and I don't want different games to be combined just because they have the exact same name or things like that; and after that regional / bootleg versions of the games are not in Launchbox DBs, so no ID is given to them.... it's a terrible manual job to be done...


To add some information to this, I should mention that the games I'm combining are not exactly duplicates... just different versions or distribution; it was very easy at the C64 times to change a game title screen, logo, language, etc... and publish it with another absurd name, with almost no copyright law to defend game creators from that.
I could go for a pre-filtered set but I'd really love to have everything sorted out and decide to play that bootleg italian version of that particular game I used to play when I was a kid almost 40 years ago :D

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